Start from Scratch

S2 E8: Texas Scramble Strategy, Goodbye YouTube Golf and Shocking Quiz Performances

Tristian Griffiths Season 2 Episode 8

A whirlwind of golf strategy, performance insights, and ability scrutiny... Welcome to our latest podcast episode where we chat about two upcoming Texas Scramble, the Catalina Wine Mixer of our year. Josh gets candid about his performance, detailing his struggles and hopes for improvement, leaving no stone unturned. 

The quiz provides us with a shocking output of effort from Josh v Eddie, hear for yourselves! We end with a continuation on Justin Thomas's Ryder Cup hopes with some unconsidered points regarding the impact he could have if he is on the flight to Rome.

Speaker 1:

Why, why are you drinking on a Monday night the lead leading up to a test scramble? You need everything to go your way on Friday. This is not the way to start the week.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you do you need to purify your body. No, I've got four chances on every hole. What you don't? Well, that's the way I'm approaching it. Okay, fuck me alright. Okay, right, episode eight. We were meant to have a guest, but unfortunately about to pull out, so it is just your originals. It is me, josh and Eddie, and we'll have a guest next week, or maybe we won't, it depends really taking this one at a time, since Josh has been in control of the whole set up. So there we go. Welcome, go on, just so welcome.

Speaker 1:

Would you say, would you classify us as the OGs?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, 100%, 100%. If we did this is our second OG episode, didn't it? Yeah, we done the other one with Dave Jones, uk golf guy. Yes, we did, that was a good one. Yeah, the OGs feels good. Shall we get straight into it? Yeah, this weekend was the absolute big one the Catalina wine mixer, the Amlokhtam Cup. So for Bullbeck Golf Club, that's your big, big comp. It's an open comp, two-day comp medal. And I actually don't know how you played, josh. I know I saw you in the club house and the only reaction you gave me was that you shook your head from side to side and just went.

Speaker 1:

Can I just say something? Two-day medal competition, josh Griffiths that doesn't go together, does it? I don't know the result and maybe that's me being a bit I'm assuming here, so presumptuous.

Speaker 2:

I should take a step back, I mean when you assume mate me, can I sort of view me Okay normally, but on this occasion you actually aren't making a ass out of anyone, mate, because I started off 85 net, which wasn't like awful. 13 back in the lead. Best score on the first day was 72, so I was just happy, didn't I? I just can't shake the triples and the quads at the moment. Hang on the quads. You can't shake the quads as a fuck of a statement. What's the five ones? Quintuple Bogeys, mate.

Speaker 2:

I'm like I do really well and I'm not even trying to say this to be like funny, or it's the genuine truth. Yeah, I do a really good job at doubling the score that the score card says I should have. I was setting sixes, par fours, eight and par five tens. I'm not even joking like anyway, that was day one and I scrambled 15 over is not bad fucks, as I played right and I kept. But you're not even more disappointed. Actually you think, oh yeah, he shot an 85 net off 19 shots. He must have lost loads of balls. I didn't. I pretty much had the same ball all the way around. It just took me that long to get that ball in the hole.

Speaker 1:

All right, so anyway, what was the weather like?

Speaker 2:

Really windy. You are an enigma mate. That's why and yeah, as fair enough, the weather was bad and for a 72 to be the leading score in Town Cup, it says a lot. But I just want to. I don't want this to go too far. I'm not going to be able to bring it back. Can we just revisit the quad bogeys for a minute? Can you talk? How can you not shake off quad bogeys? That's something nobody on Planet Golf has ever said. No one other than you on the entire planet has ever said that when people say can't shake off the bogeys, the meaning of that is I'm close to par, but I just can't get that last shot in the hole. You're trying to reference four shots. So I shot 104 right into this head. I shot 104. Yeah, we have pretty much. Let's say, I lost two balls the whole round. Okay, yeah, with 29 putts. That's how bad I was. I'm the opposite to Sheffler and Rory Teter.

Speaker 1:

Green. Yeah, I mean, that statement doesn't belong here, but that's both, not to sort of skip forward into the next topic. But that's encouraging and discouraging for Friday, because it's good to know that you putted well, but the fact that you Well, I simultaneously.

Speaker 2:

I have never had so little confidence in my golf game but, yeah, never had so much faith that it will get better. It's like if you look at my swing last year compared to this year, it's like the difference in bounce levels between you two and me it's night and day the swings in a much better shape. But I just can't tie it together. I just cannot. Thieves of the T's are killing me. I hit a three off the tee on 17, not even joking. Yeah, and three off the tee I piped down the middle. I was like I'll go and find my first one. You piped it. Yeah, I did One of the only shots I did. Yeah, josh, I'm sorry, I don't want to be doing this like all the time, but I need to cut in again. You say that you're both. What did you, what did you say? How did you say it? I'm, I will. I've never lacked and as much confidence, but had as much faith. Yeah, yeah, I'll be honest, I'm really worried about you golf game. I wouldn't be like.

Speaker 1:

I said, I've got faith no, I genuinely am.

Speaker 2:

I feel awkward because I don't want to do this as your brother on the podcast, but you've done it. He's trying to. He's done it the whole time. Just go on. Yeah, I honestly I don't know where I feel like I'm trending, mate. I'm. I'm somehow don't ask me how I'm starting to hit the golf ball again and I'm starting to have a feeler on the green.

Speaker 2:

I've been putting in the lounge nonstop with the, the Scotty Cameron. I am coming into some unexpected form, so wait a second. I know that Eddie will always put in a good display. Yeah, your law is a champion athlete. He guys, he's just won the medal in the island games. Gold and silver, yeah, no, two, two golds wait, don't sell them on short. Anyway, two goals, even better. That's what we've got on our team.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but when I walked into the club house and I saw you one of the first people I saw and you just shook your head and just I was like this, I need to find a way to help this guy. Now I think you need to help yourself, because it sounds like Ed. Can I make a wrong? Do you know? Just say he's got a feel around the greens putting on this carpet. What is that even about me, right? So that's that's. I've got that way. That was absolutely a statement to me to please do not be worried about what you're gonna get on Friday. They call me Pat because I'm a postman and I deliver. All right, I know it's not an original joke, but it's the truth. Don't worry, I'll get my four t-shirts chalked up quite nice and early and from there it'll be. I won't have to, I won't even see off. I'll just let Eddie Spank driver everywhere.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so, seeing as we've kind of touched up on, touched on town cap or reflected on town cap, so we want to people are gonna be wondering what they talk about Friday. So Friday is the biggest day of the year. You could be getting married, you could be having a child. It doesn't really matter if you're not playing Texas scramble in open week, you're not living. Basically, that's what it boils down to, and we've had a solid team over the last few years but haven't been able to play over the last two years. So me, eddie and Josh are back together and we got yours joining us in the team and we are gonna be trying to get our names on that trophy once again, because we have one in the past and yeah, that's what we're doing.

Speaker 2:

We talk about Friday. It's Texas scramble day disclaimer I've never went it before. Eddie, interest stuff. I must give them up. It's good knockdown as well, wouldn't? I purposely left him out and I will edit that out of the podcast as well. It was a good knock, though. You went with me. Yeah, it was. Yeah, we were. I think we were 11 and the power grows and have four shots, which wasn't much really. Yeah, well, these days, I don't even think 15. In the part we were discussing this with the new system, I don't even think 15 and the part is gonna be enough. I think you've got to be close to 20. With the new system, we get seven shots this time. Yeah, we worked out on we get around seven shots within it properly somehow, I don't know, but I'm not gonna complain if it's official less confident of us.

Speaker 1:

If we get seven shots, I'm easy to 20 under. I'm a lot less confident now of us getting to 13 under par gross, because I've got this. I've got the fact that you can't shake the quads off my mind. I've never.

Speaker 2:

If I can't let it go, I don't need to worry about that I can come clutch on the odd shot I can my. My golf swing is built for sprints, not marathons. It's built for the odd hole, not for 18. So as long as I'm putting a bit of each like, as long as I've just got one shot to it here and there, I could do that just fine on my pattern. Phenomenal moment, it really is what?

Speaker 1:

sorry, what's the point in you actually playing competitive golf?

Speaker 2:

then if it's built as a sprint rather than a marathon because I'm too mentally strong to back down from myself. The two there's two of me one says give up and one says no, carry on. And the carry on guy always wins right, okay.

Speaker 1:

Well, just to go back to the Texas scramble number one, you better turn up in decent time for you to settle down, because the last time we played, you decided to have an argument with your dad about the fact that you didn't take the bins out. Yeah, and then you turned up literally with three minutes to go in a huff because you'd fallen out with him, and then that put you in a bad mood and we didn't have you for well. I was gonna say a few holes, but probably 18 yeah, so so are you gonna turn up on time.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I'll turn up when you need me to, not too early, don't mind, I'm not turn up too early, like you interested? Okay, any chance we could have a team lunch at one o'clock. We'll see there, is it? No, okay, no, right, there for a second. You literally yeah. Three seconds before I asked you if we could have a team lunch, you said I'll turn up what time you need me to turn up and I just said can we have a team lunch at one? Yeah, well, that's lunch is not really necessary, is it? I don't I spending about four hours you lot. I would rather not try and spend anymore. And that's the time with you guys what?

Speaker 1:

what critical business are you doing in the morning? What? Why can't you give us a little bit more of your time?

Speaker 2:

because I don't want to plain and simple, I'm gonna spend four hours of you lot on the course having a few beers afterwards.

Speaker 2:

So you got a price that in well, exactly, I jokes I will come for lunch. I will come for lunch, but I just need to come in a right and ask me how I feel on Friday morning. That's how I wake up early night. You know what Thursday do you know? I think I'm gonna say it on the podcast right now so that you it can never be taken back and I don't mind, I think you're gonna come in clutch. I genuinely do right, thank you, but what I need from you is I need you to drop all the shit that's in your head at home right.

Speaker 2:

Come on Friday, just fresh. You've not been playing bad golf, you've not been watching too many fucking YouTube videos and shit. Just come on Friday, pressure off and just smash the ball. Just do what you do and you'll come clutch. But if you come in the mindset you've been recently, it's gonna be hard, I'm gonna come. I'm gonna come in the mindset I see fit, and that's the winning mentality. It's never led me astray before in team competitions and it will not do. On Friday, I'm gonna come collect. That's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna rock up the six. I will tell you one thing, though I went to Hawke's Dunn Park back at last week and I came home with the dub across two rounds Did, you Did you win on the second day?

Speaker 2:

Did you win the overall? Did you? I went overall and I came second on the second day.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, you play Parkland when the ball doesn't go missing. You know what I mean. It's just links golf where it does go missing. Anyway, by the by, I owe you both somewhat, and everyone else on the podcast who's listened to it and sort of maybe shouted at me through the radio or whatever. Warming up before a round actually does help a little bit, a little bit.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Christ, that is. You shot too much. I hit like 20 balls.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Why don't more?

Speaker 1:

people do that.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, I really don't know, but no, hold on. A lot of people warm up too much yeah they get that? They sprinkle off, they get rid of the fairy dust. Yeah, they grind them and they shouldn't be. It should just be getting loose and that's what I was doing, baby. Oh, and it felt good. I striped it that day as well.

Speaker 1:

On Friday morning, just to let you know. On Friday morning you're going to give me your phone. I'm going to open up the YouTube app. I'm going to click history.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

There better not be any any videos of you watching tutorials on Friday morning.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then I'm going to have your phone and I'm going to go and put a porn hub. There'll be no, there'll be no such activities, because I'm past the world of YouTube now I'm. I'm well and truly in the world of getting a lesson by paid professionals. Yeah, you've transcended into another world. I've tried. As I'm saying, it's night and day between this year and last year. It's night and day. You're going to see it, it's going to. I'm hitting a nice draw when it when it clearly not.

Speaker 1:

Hey, you're clearly not hitting a nice draw. You've said that you had 29 putts you shot 85. You shot 104. That does not equate to you hitting a nice like two, three yard draw that just drops out of the sky. It's not, is it?

Speaker 2:

I know it's not. It's a hot draw. It comes in fast and it can quickly turn into anything it does come in fast and it could quickly turn into a hook as well, but I'm not blocking it, eddie, listen. I think that mean you need to be sensible here now. That's our captain you're talking to, and you need to feed him with some confidence. So let's not give him any more shit for our own advantage.

Speaker 1:

Let's try, and let's try and build this guy up. You need to be honest with himself.

Speaker 2:

Always am.

Speaker 1:

No, you're not honest.

Speaker 2:

No, you're clearly not honest with yourself I'm, I'm straight and you're bent, they're fat. Okay, that's what's going to happen. I, you guys, really do know how much I surprise you guys. You guys surprise me just as much when you try, and this is honestly like obviously I know Tris for all my life, believe it or not, with brothers, but I have known you well now for the best part of what, like really well, best part of five years.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And you're still there. Now, both you're trying to change my mindset. It's not going to work.

Speaker 2:

It's not going to work when I, when you put it like that, that actually does help me realise how much time I've wasted. Yeah, yeah, I could. I could just hold out years ago, but again you don't listen. No, that's true. I honestly feel like I might not ever give you advice again. I've played my best golf without you two and I've played my worst golf without you two, and that's a trend that will continue for the rest of my golf playing career. But believe you me, when I get to the pinnacle, I will not be thanking you. Okay, whatever. So, as the captain of our team, now give us a breakdown of what you want from me and Eddie and for the next, hang on for the next however long you go.

Speaker 2:

me and Eddie aren't going to cut across. We're going to wait for you to tell us exactly what you want and you tell us when you finish. I literally just want you two to get. So. Is my t-shirt out the way? Yeah, I want you two to get your t-shirt out the way, but then, when it, after t-shirts, hit the green, hit the green. All right, you're both division one golfers.

Speaker 2:

If you don't hit the green both of you, or at least one of you on every single hole, I'll be bringing a sub in next year. That's unfair. Okay, carry on, carry on. You just will one. You just come back on your point. You said you weren't going to interrupt, but you did. Here's your one little bit. The truth is, I want you to literally just hit every green. Give me a look at the hole and I will take more chances. Okay, that's all I want.

Speaker 2:

I had to tell you why I want trust, the way I envision it is. I want trust to hit fairways and I want you to bomb, bomb drives. And then the bomb the drive. You don't bomb. We take this ball, the balls you do bomb, we take your ball. That's all I want. And then it's green then.

Speaker 2:

So is there a particular order you want to start? I put the orders in our Texas Scramble group chat and WhatsApp and I said put in, it goes yellow. You, eddie, me. So I collect all the raw data from the putts. That's the green Right. Chipping I don't mind going first, because chipping is not my strong suit. Dry drys, it's your law. First get something out there, just in the fairway. I can then be relaxed because there's something in the fairway. Loosen up, hit some bombs and then from there it's Trist. Then, eddie, eddie, I'm expecting I'm not even joking for you now when I tell you yeah, there's not even an ounce of lightheartedness in what I'm about to tell you I expect a 56 degree in my hand every second shot you pull a driver out round. Ball by Trist, is that?

Speaker 2:

too far first to say Well, I mean the 11th. I'm going to hit driver on the 11th.

Speaker 1:

That's a bit much.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, all right, excluding par fives. Well, not really. 15, if you hit a good on the winds, all right, it's wedge. And eight if you hit a good on the winds, just right, it's wedge.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but I'm not that's a stupid thing to say, isn't it? Because I'm not going to be able to hit a driver on eight and a driver on 15 and have a sandwich into both of them, because the wind will be going in different directions.

Speaker 2:

I said the wind isn't an issue. All right, you're coming across. You need to reel it down. You're coming across as a right little bitch. At the moment, the viewers this is your time to own your game and the viewers, or the listeners the very few of them are probably thinking why is this Eddie guy, the guy who's literally nonstop talked about sucking North Wales golf off?

Speaker 1:

Why is he not?

Speaker 2:

backing himself up, just say yes, mate, yeah, I'll do it. Yes, captain.

Speaker 1:

Yes, daddy, I mean, it's difficult enough saying captain, but yeah, that's fine. What do you think we're going to be doing, like purposely not aiming to the green, I mean?

Speaker 2:

that's yeah. I want to do it, if I can, for the third time tonight. Just want to touch up on one thing. You said you want me and Eddie to hit the green on every hole. Yeah, yeah, that is a little bit of a big ask, don't you think? No, what I want to break down mathematically now, I want a two handicapper. Yet You're not to know. No.

Speaker 1:

I've never been to 4.7.

Speaker 2:

4.7. Just what you, 7.2. Right, I expect you two to hit all 18 greens between you both. Okay, all right. So I'm going to take that on. As you said, I respect the hierarchy. So, thank you, I'm not going to complain. I'll try my best. But if you are a good leader, you're going to lead by example and you're going to be at that team lunch by one. If you're not at that team lunch by one, I'm going to retaliate and I'm going to just completely collapse and kick off and make such a fuss and you won't believe it. You're not a sign of a good leader. No, because I'm asking. You're the leader, that's what I'm saying. Yeah, that's why you're not because you're whining, crying like a little bitch. Both of you do. I'm going to hit the greens, okay, All right, no worries, thank you.

Speaker 1:

You just want a look, don't you?

Speaker 2:

You just want a look, that's all. I want A look, like a peripheral look, do you know? Like out the corner of your eye, like you can't even see it properly. That's all.

Speaker 1:

I need A sniff when are you Taking into consideration obviously different dynamic in Texas scramble so you're going to feel a bit more confident to be able to hit. Driver, tell me the holes that you're going to be looking to like drop, kick one and bomb it.

Speaker 2:

I like that drop kick. I like that. First, without doubt. Second, no, I tell you, like I will not, I'm going first driver. I'm going to just cut it really quickly. First driver. Second, iron get us in play and if we're in decent place we'll take that. And if one of you guys hit an absolute peach over the fence, so be it. Four, three would get one in play. Six, every path, or when my T shots are done, it's going to be driver. Long story short.

Speaker 1:

What driver have you got?

Speaker 2:

now Ping G425 and it is sweet.

Speaker 1:

Right, okay, none of you have seen me hit drivers.

Speaker 2:

Yet no, speaking of drivers, if you're listening to this, I need you to go on Twitter or X. It's a weird phase that we're in. I don't know what I'm calling it. I don't know if it's like a phase of the phone. Call it Twitter, twitter, go on Twitter and vote on our most recent post about drivers.

Speaker 2:

I've gone to the effort of putting a post together for us to look at what we all collaboratively think has been the driver that the streets won't ever forget over the last. How many years has that? 90s? It's four decades. Four decades, so 90s, 90s, 10s and 20s, and then, obviously, drivers that haven't put in there. So I want you to tell me what I'm missing as well. We're going to vote on it because I want to then put the four finalists in place so we can vote on what we think is and there's been some caucus so far Everyone likes the big birther, everyone likes the tight list 905R. The third one, the 10s, is really close. It's got basically the same amount of votes in each one and the last one, I think the one you've got, josh the pink, is leading on. Do you feel too far? That is such a good driver? Yeah, I think that's what's been in so far.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, I want you to do that. If you've got to go on it and vote on that, I think we can move to the quiz. Okay, I've got my redemption. Oh, actually, do you want to touch on the debate you've got with Liam? Yeah, I do. Actually, Me and Liam Ed, long story short had an incredibly heated debate prior to the first round of the Town Cup in which I played with him about who the best putter was.

Speaker 1:

Well between you and him.

Speaker 2:

Between me and him, right, and he said it's statistically impossible for a 20 handicapper to be better than a 5 handicapper at any area, including putting. And I said, bollocks, I'm better put than you. He got seriously rattled. We played together on the Saturday and I taught him a lesson on how to put around ball bay, did you? And man was three putting like it was in fashion I'm not even joking, it was and he does this stupid robot stroke where he looks at the hole and he knocks about 10 foot past and starts crying. You're like well, no fucking wonder, mate, it's an absolute shit stroke. You've got 29 puts.

Speaker 2:

I had compared to his 34, something like that. Right, I want to give my input on this and I genuinely think that you're a better putter than Liam. So I just think that, whilst it is hard to believe, I don't think it's impossible for a 5 handicapper to be better than a 20 handicapper in every aspect of the game is normal, probably, and definitely definitely the majority, but I don't think it's impossible. So I think you are that one case. I think you're a better putter than Liam. I would Well, I put it all online and I showed him what you think.

Speaker 1:

I have to say I do think your point is actually quite good. I think you're you're. You're quite free without you, you're not sort of, you're not too tense, you're quite relaxed over your putters. So, yeah, liam is obviously his natural stances to argue, anyway at times. So he's going to buy. It doesn't help that the 20 handicapper that's better at golf with him is you. That doesn't help, does it? But I don't know. I haven't seen Liam play for a while. But yeah, I mean, the statistics will bear the result out, aren't they? And you've just reeled it up.

Speaker 2:

I did say to him hold on, I've gone blank there. Now I've gone completely blank. I literally have the point with him back in my word. I'll just go. Yeah, cheers for the support. I'd love to just put it to a test. We'll have to do a pattern comp or something. That's the one we T degree can't touch him, obviously, but his putting is really awful.

Speaker 1:

Are you a better putter than Jack?

Speaker 2:

Not at the moment. On my day, yeah, but not at the moment. I've been going through some putting woes up until I got a new Scotty and it's kind to come back into form.

Speaker 1:

Have you got a new Scotty?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I've got a new chest.

Speaker 1:

Which one have you got?

Speaker 2:

Trist do you know what it is? It's a blaze one yeah.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, Is it a new port?

Speaker 2:

Yes, and a friend of ours custom painted it. Oh, you went on the episode here. Oh yeah, I know, yeah, but yeah, hey, wait for a fry.

Speaker 1:

What do you mean? A friend of yours custom painted it.

Speaker 2:

So originally Jack bought it from eBay and it had obviously been worn, worn out.

Speaker 1:

It's got three cherry dots on the back.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it does actually.

Speaker 1:

Right. What the hell have you done?

Speaker 2:

to it. So no, no, listen, we gave it to a very skilled friend of ours who works in valley as a painter and not like a packet painting sort of Painter and decorator. Yeah, it is in. He spray paints aircraft parts and he did a professional job. You'll see it. It looks clean. You wouldn't even tell me, well, what color is it? Black, it was black and it is black, I can tell you disappointed.

Speaker 1:

What do you think that for?

Speaker 2:

You'll be kissing it come 18, mate, honestly, take my, take my Scotty coming out your ass head. That's obviously 18. Right, quiz Me, let's go baby. Ok, josh, your only loss this season so far is to the one on your screen there, edward Batesley, pulling fingers at me through the laptop as he came into my face. This one, I think, is pretty difficult, so let's see how you get on. Analysts.

Speaker 1:

Is this a general golfing? Knowledge or is it a very topic?

Speaker 2:

No, they're all general knowledge. Actually, on that note, I never know how the listeners actually get on. No one ever tells me what their score was. No one ever says like I got five out of five or whatever. Mind your business. That's a good point as well. Ok, number one Texas scramble hasn't always been known as Texas scramble. Any ideas on what it was originally called Greensomes?

Speaker 1:

No, that's a different format.

Speaker 2:

Quick fire.

Speaker 1:

I've got no idea, sorry.

Speaker 2:

OK, it was called Captain's Choice and in the 1950s it became very popular where Texas, Texas yeah.

Speaker 1:

That's a point for me, surely? No, is it? Oh come on.

Speaker 2:

No, that's not a point. Half a point no, we don't do half points Right. Who has the third most majors ever? Gene Sarrison? No, quick fire, yeah, ed you.

Speaker 1:

Gary Player.

Speaker 2:

No, it's not Gary Player, but you are really skirt in the rules here. It's Quick Fire, All right, OK. Ok, you can both go again.

Speaker 1:

Ben Hogan.

Speaker 2:

No, josh. No, I know it is. I literally Googled it the other day and I forgot his name.

Speaker 1:

You called it the other day.

Speaker 2:

No, I Googled to see how many runners up to my dad it's. I don't know, I give up. Tell us it's Walter Hogan.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Hogan, any ideas on how many he's got? Yeah, it's 11. Yeah, 11. Oh, I've got a point for that Half point. Shut up, eddie, you taking the make out, are you Ed?

Speaker 1:

I would have given you half point then, if you weren't being such a fucking bitch about it.

Speaker 2:

If I am a looper, what am I? You go from out to in Swing path. No, no.

Speaker 1:

I've got no idea. I've got no idea, what that means.

Speaker 2:

I would have known that one. What do you, yeah? What is it, kenny?

Speaker 1:

Yule, caddy, caddy.

Speaker 2:

But, you don't get the point because I gave you that Right Petition to getting you guys masterlin. So you've got three questions have gone and you actually have zero points each.

Speaker 1:

So those questions are hard, mate. You can't expect us to get that.

Speaker 2:

I would have had them, so I'd be winning. And I'd be on one point.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's easy for a quiz master to say, isn't it?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay, that's a shagga Me. One point, well done, four. This last weekend saw the first French winner of the Evian championship. Who was it? We're not paying ourselves in the good light here, ed. We're not going to be golf funds. I couldn't tell you Something, low guys. No, it was Celine Boutier. Oh, it was close. Okay, so that is four questions now. Oh, from four. Baby, we're donating, ed. But we're now on the last technically sudden death question. How many Irish major champions have there been Two? No, I just guess four.

Speaker 2:

Four no, so you can both go again. Three no, five, no, you're not none, now that you've guessed that many times, this being the shittest draw ever. So I'm going to have to think of another question, but I can't think of one at the top of my head. That was so, so, so bad. Let's just try and name them Ed Podrick, rory Darren Clark, shane Lowry.

Speaker 1:

Shane Lowry, graham McDowell.

Speaker 2:

So the answer is six, so now go through it. We've got five of them McDowell, Clark, McHorough, Harrington, Harrington Any older listeners would know this by now and they've probably been shouting at the radio Fred Daly.

Speaker 1:

Right, there's no chance you would have got Fred Daly either.

Speaker 2:

No, I wouldn't have, but I had the one on one point. I had the one on two points Celine Boutier and Lupe.

Speaker 1:

I don't believe that. I think you'd have got one because I know you're watching the women's golf on the weekend. There's no way you've got Lupe.

Speaker 2:

I'm not being funny. I don't want to change the tone. It's my fucking quiz and my rule. Right, you both done shit there and you'll have to just take it. You drew with zero points each End of.

Speaker 1:

A score draw Half a point.

Speaker 2:

Half a point oh well, half a point Right On to this week. Sorry, go on no go on, say again Right On to this week's debate. It is Trish Ben.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

After that quiz he is yeah, you are Okay.

Speaker 2:

I want to touch on last week's debate and it's continuing to this week we don't have. So just to clarify to listeners is the debate is should JT be in the right? Did you think I wasn't going to do that? Yes, okay. What so far has led you to believe that I wouldn't actually do that? Nothing at all. My lack of faith, okay.

Speaker 2:

So, to recap on last week, it was whether Justin Thomas should go to the Ryder Cup. In our opinion, and we put a poll on Twitter and we found basically something like 54% said yes, he should go, 48% making these up, I'm not even going to get to 100% 48% said he shouldn't and the rest said still undecided. So it was very, very, very close. But thanks to Mike Jones, otherwise known as Sporty M, on Twitter pointed out a very good point, which was JT scorecard is full of birdies, but he's making a lot of doubles or, like you like to call them, josh, quads and triples. He can't get rid of them. Yeah, yeah, baby, in a match play, they're not going to be punished in the same way. So what I wanted some opinions on is if you looked at that, would be more likely to take him based on that. No, it's a very good point and I'm going to cut across at it because he looks like he is deep in thought about this and silence doesn't bode well.

Speaker 2:

On the podcast, I would not take him I. It's a very good point Mike raised. It is a great one. The only thing is I would have been willing to listen to it a lot more had he not missed the cut this weekend or last tournament. See, I would take him.

Speaker 1:

I would take him.

Speaker 2:

I take him.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but I wouldn't. I don't really agree with that because if he's hitting it off the planet from time to time, that's not going to put his partner in a particularly good position. Even when he and when the partner does hit it well down the fairway, off the tee or onto the green on a par three, that safety blanket is going to go in the singles. I personally would take him, because of his relationship with John.

Speaker 1:

Spieth. I think they're formidable team and I think that that would rekindle his level. And, with a great respect to Keegan Bradley, I know that he's had a fairly good year and I know he's had a win or a couple of wins maybe and this sounds really harsh but I would be taking Justin Thomas ahead of Keegan Bradley.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so then what I'm doing now, guys, sorry, whilst you're there, I think you're wondering what I'm doing. I'm going to Google quickly.

Speaker 1:

I've got this do you.

Speaker 2:

No, no, what Spieth and Jordan and JT's riding up record is. It'll be good, mate, it'll be good. It'll be definitely more wins than losses. Yeah, hold on yeah. Wow 8-1-3 in their previous partnerships in the previous cups, dating back to the 2014 rider cap. So 8 wins, 1 draw and 3 losses. I don't know how that is. If it's like boxing, it means 8 wins, 1 loss, 3 halves, but I don't know which way it's formatted, but either way, it's still impressive. So yeah, you raise a more valid point than I thought.

Speaker 1:

Can I?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, can I? I want to. I don't know if you've thought about this, josh, but you've completely contradicted yourself, and I don't mean that in a judgmental way. Yes, you do. I don't trust me, I just want your opinion. Okay, if me and Eddie were the captain of our Texas scramble team, you would be saying we've got reason to choose you based on previous performances and based on the fact that we think you pull out the bag.

Speaker 1:

So you're not the captain.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but why not? Why should I be an Anakin captain? Do that for JT? Because your point was that he doesn't deserve it. Because you take me out the Texas scramble team. I'm borderline irreplaceable. Because I'm an absolute bargain at 20 handicap for the shots I'm going to play on Friday. You take Justin Thomas out of the Ryder Cup standings and another Justin Thomas just fills his spot. Ryder Cup isn't about just the eighth best player in the world or whatever.

Speaker 1:

But you look.

Speaker 2:

The Ryder Cup is bigger than that, isn't it? The Ryder Cup is different. The Ryder Cup isn't about your rankings and how it features coming into September. But you look at the like I said last week, you've got 12 players. You've actually got 13 players ahead of JT in the Ryder Cup rankings, which is surprising considering how badly he's played. I think it might be based on last year as well, but then you've also got about three or four people on the live tour who are playing better than he is. Yeah, don't say that. He's had to read. Well, mate, he's captain America. Yeah, I know, I just can't be asked.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but the benefit that you're going to get out of Justin Thomas working with Jordan Spieth will outweigh what that degree brings. Sorry, they're going to play all the doubles matches.

Speaker 2:

And you know what if I was the Americans as well? If I was the Americans sounds weird. If I was the American team, considering the way golf has been over the last two years, I think it would be sensible and this isn't me saying that one tour should take more precedent than another. What I'm saying is, if I was the American team, I would have a heavily PGA featured team for camaraderie, for chemistry sorry chemistry between the team and I would drip, feed live players in. I wouldn't have more than three if that live players, because then you are bringing the possibility of arguments in house, dramas in house disagreements, two segregated teams. You know that it's going to come up on the driving range or in the locker room at some point. If you've got a PGA heavy team with the likes of kept cut in it, you know it's going to be fine. If you bring in the likes of Patrick Reed, who's pissed everybody off, fucking hell, probably send lawsuit to half the team's doorstep. Why would you do it?

Speaker 1:

Anti-goods' doorstep. Roy Macheroy, won't it? Roy Macheroy? Yeah, I tell you what two things. I would not want to be Zach Johnson having to pick this team Because looking down this list, I mean I know that they're on the live tour, but Dustin Johnson, I know that he's not playing particularly well, but still a big name he got Bryson. I would not want to be making a decision between this lot, no chance. The other point I want to make is I think did you say last week just that you think that Europe are going to win?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yes, I can't see that.

Speaker 2:

I do I cannot.

Speaker 1:

I can't see that.

Speaker 2:

As much as I'll be cheering him on.

Speaker 1:

No, I don't think there's a the levels that these guys are at in the USA team.

Speaker 2:

I said last week, I think this team that they picked now will be even stronger than the last one. Like it's unbelievable, the depth they've got. It's unreal. Someone go on Paddy Power and get me the odds on Josh to be the star on the Texas scramble and Europe to win the United Cup in Italy.

Speaker 1:

The other thing I just wanted to pick up on is something that you said then, josh. You just said you're an absolute bargain for us being off 20 handicap. You would be a bargain if you had a pedigree in shooting 40 points and then shooting 32, but then 42 and then 31. You said about Jack the other week when he went he's got a fight in him, he's got that dog in him. When I come on this podcast, you're going. Oh yeah, 85 net, 104 net, 104 net.

Speaker 1:

Gross, oh, gross, sorry because it's the same round. That's where I struggle with you. I want to give you praise, but when you wheel this shit out of you being a bargain at 20 handicap, I should struggle with it, mate, and I want you to do really well. But I think you need to go through a process of being come into terms with a few things that will set you at ease.

Speaker 2:

Well, lucky for the listeners, we're hoping to have video evidence of the whole round come Friday. Oh, I'm going to have the whole round. We're not going to have the whole round. I'll tell you why. Because I know that I need to be in the zone and I'm hoping you're in the zone so you can't get in the zone with a little iPhone watching you. Then I don't know what sort of mentality that says about both of you. It would actually elevate me. Okay, hopefully we do have something for the listeners to see so we can feedback on. But no, it won't be a live. Unless you can find someone stupid enough and brave enough to walk around with us, then they can do what they want and they can record what they want. But whilst you're in the team, you're the captain. By the way, I'm just the. This is just a suggestion. I suggest that you put your head in the fucking game and you play some golf. Are you EA sports mate? What's his nonsense about? I will be there and I will be present. I'll be leading, setting by example.

Speaker 2:

Whole inputs, don't even say no, I knew it, I knew it Right. Quick question before we round it off Glory and Ram, are they going to be paid together, yeah, In the right of the cup. Or do you put all your, your acting mom basket and just get one point? Or do you spread them out and and then obviously they're like they're likely to be getting. One point is a guaranteed point, is is reduced but likely to winning. Two is increased. If you get me, no, I would be putting them together me. I wouldn't risk putting them in different teams.

Speaker 1:

I would be. I would be putting them in different teams.

Speaker 2:

And me based on what?

Speaker 1:

Because there's so much experience there that you'll I think you need to actually take benefit from splitting that and getting them to work with people who haven't actually had that much experience, Like Rob McIntyre, he's going to need to play with someone like John Ram or Rory McRoy, I think.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, it's a fair point. To be honest, I would put. I just don't think you can risk the possibility of a point.

Speaker 1:

But nothing's guaranteed, is it? I mean you watch that? They put Phil Mickelson and Tiger Woods together one year. They got absolutely trounced. They were number one and number two in the world Like yeah, but at the same time that's.

Speaker 2:

It might be hindsight, but that sounds like a bad idea.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it is a bad idea.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so that's not the same, is it? Rory and Ram are good mates. They have a lot different respect for each other than Tiger and Phil did. They've got a completely different dynamic in the relationship. Fuck me, I honestly don't know why they did put Tiger and Phil together.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, he got pulled apart. Well, john Ram wasn't particularly happy with Rory at the open, was he? I think he was going to be pissed off with all the people who were following him.

Speaker 2:

That was with the people, mate, that wasn't with my man, rory, and I think, I think you've got to. You've got to put Ram is Spanish, he's got that fire in him, he's going to want to, and Rory's the same. You've got.

Speaker 1:

You've got that dog in him.

Speaker 2:

Rory and Rory will be a partnership. Yeah, that's what you'll be. Yeah, I forgot about that. Okay, k-po, and that's the end. Yeah, yeah, that you're right, that will be a hundred. I was going to ask if there was any of the Spanish on the team, but it's the Irish, because Rory and McElroy played warm-ups yeah, warm-ups for the open together, didn't they? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And Poteh Carrington I think Poggy might be in with him.

Speaker 1:

He's in with a shout again in.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's one of the debates. Well, yeah, it was. Yeah, it's a good one. Okay, right, that's enough. I'm tired. Yeah, I'm bored. Eating I was all. Yeah, fun enough, right. So we'll see you Friday for the team lunch at one o'clock. Okay, that's good, you're going to be there, I do. You know why the saying is be there or be square? No, because if you're square, you're not around.

Speaker 1:

You're welcome, see you next week, take care.

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