Start from Scratch

S2 E16: Best Ryder Cup Ever? We debate as usual!

Tristian Griffiths & Joshua Griffiths Season 2 Episode 16

We guarantee you a lively round of golf talk, laughs, and intriguing debates in this episode. Prepare to be swept off your feet as we reminisce about what we believe to be the best Ryder Cup ever, where the Europeans' dominance over the Americans made for an unforgettable match. Highlights of the match are discussed, from Rory's chip and Hovland's first-hole chip-in to Justin Rose's putt on the 18th and Max Homer's unplayable declaration. Through a blend of expert analysis and fun banter, we dissect these defining moments and their impact on the outcome of the match.

This isn't just about the professionals, though. We also bring in some personal golfing experiences, making the conversation relatable and even more engaging. From recalling our own challenges in picking a golfing partner to sharing our hilarious stories in the rain, our personal touch to this episode is sure to keep you entertained. We also engage in some friendly golf trivia and banter, and trust us, you wouldn't want to miss Josh's attempts at answering quiz questions.

Lastly, we dive into some juicy debates. Should Ryder Cup participants be paid, or should they donate their earnings to charity? What about introducing a new format - the 9-cup - where the losing party can fight to earn two points? We consider these questions and more, and we welcome you to join in the discussion. As we wrap things up, we give you a sneak peek of our upcoming videos and share an ongoing debate about who is the official worst brother in our family! So, buckle up and get ready for an exciting ride as we delve into the world of golf and the Ryder Cup.

Speaker 1:

And I think this would be well funny to introduce the Ryder Cup. I think it would bring it to the next level. Yeah, the Sunday singles. Yeah, when each match is finished, the loser of the match gets the option of just losing or for two points. They scrap and then the winner gets two points.

Speaker 1:

Where is this coming from? Fuck Bob, jesus Christ, what sort of statement is that? Yeah, he turned into Jack mate. That was like a jack stoke me that one. Eh, fucking shit.

Speaker 1:

Family, right, you ready? Right, ok, welcome back to whatever fucking episode this is. I don't know 16. 16? I think so. Yeah, because I lost track last time, I'm going to go straight in. We're doing a Ryder Cup episode. The whole episode is basically based on that, and I want to go straight in.

Speaker 1:

Liam, I'm talking to you now. Don't go over to you with this Just one sentence summary, josh, you're first what you just said. You were going to go to Liam first and then you went. Oh, I said Liam, this is so. Liam's going to go on and on and on, because Liam can't do one sentence. Semifinals, all right, fucking, don't go on and on about it. Yeah, yeah. Are you asking me why I put that Ryder Cup yeah, in one sentence, though.

Speaker 1:

It was really good. Ok, right, josh. Yeah, it was really good. Fuck me, liam. Ok, liam, I think it was really good. Go on, chris. And then we're dying to give it a direct three sentences. Go on, no, mate. Best Ryder Cup I've ever seen. What was that for? Where the Columna Diner was pretty special, where the Columna Diner wasn't special, the whole way, we spent two days being absolutely trounced, exactly exactly. So the Sunday was amazing. Saturday afternoon and Sunday was amazing. This one was awesome. Can I just tell you that, victor, hold on, no, no, no, no. And from there it just went boom. Every single match, every day, you're talking out your heart. The logic you put to that is completely yeah, asses, it's like. You know.

Speaker 1:

Liverpool in Istanbul were pretty dire for the majority of the match. It was only in the penalties they won it. That's why it's considered one of the greatest matches in history. You know corner-taking, quickly, a re-gee. Yeah, liverpool in the shoot, like your greatest match ever. What? No, but he's definitely going to choose whether it's 7-0. No, but is it? Is the Liverpool match your greatest match ever? What's the point, mate? No, I'm using it as a sporting event that You're pointing at the goal. You tell us no, no, you tell us why. It was the best rider cup ever. I think ten seconds ago I just did.

Speaker 1:

You said it was special throughout. Why was it special throughout? On the first goal, right? What he's going to get one of these in a minute Can't be mate. Can't be mate. Are we Go on, mate? Go on, please. That's what it's special, mate. The first goal Victor Hovland chipped in off the green. He was on the green. From that point on it just went fucking boom. John Rahm chipped in twice.

Speaker 1:

On Friday we were hammering the Americans every match. The golf was unbelievable standard. The atmosphere you could actually feel it through the TV. Come Saturday there was just you got a special TV in there Saturday All day. And then obviously it was even better because there was a little bit, of a tiny bit of spark in the American team on Saturday afternoon and then come Sunday it was just brilliant from start to finish. So from entertainment value, as soon as that started, literally hole number one, it was peak entertainment throughout. I mean it was entertaining, it was incredible to watch.

Speaker 1:

I wouldn't go back. I mean I think you think it was good because we hammered them off a defeat last time, which is the exact same 2018. We absolutely hammered them by more and more opposed to it and we lost here before. I think you're chatting out your body, mate, but why are you telling me what you think I think when I've told you out loud, using words, what I think, because we all know that what you think is like garbage, yeah, like it's all about moments and appreciate. There were a lot of moments in this Ryder Cup Rory's chip being won, hovland's chip in on the first hole, but your Tommy's chip in, thomas' chip in, rambo's chip in, but you're giving it weight because you're a European supporter. So there's a bias there, you know. Go back to the one the Americans Absolutely mental thing today. Let me get my statement out the last Ryder Cup, america dominated. You got things. Bryson DeShambo driving the first green hole in the putt. You know, if you were American now you'd be saying that was the greatest Ryder Cup in the world. But I'm not American, I'm a European.

Speaker 1:

On a podcast asking other Europeans what they thought of the Ryder Cup, why the fuck would they give a shit about the American perspective? Because you're that way inclined, mate. You've got some daft views in this game. One of them, oshan, give us your thought. Let's get it over with. That's right. We can't put it like that. Yeah, everyone's good, but would you honestly put that head in the dyna at any one here? It's the first Ryder Cup that I've watched properly, start till finish, and it was unreal. So I don't know if I was lucky to get that to be my first one that I watched, but yeah, best Ryder Cup ever. I can't even tell whether it was one.

Speaker 1:

On Saturday I woke up I think it was like 10 o'clock something like that One of the group chats I've got 1-8, opened it and they were like 9 and 7, ridiculous. I've never seen anything like that. So what was the guys supposed to find out about that? Who was it? Hovland and Hovland. And Hovland beat Kepke and Sheffley 9 and 7. The world number one and arguably the best player in Major. Still now 9 and 7. You know what's mental that's just come out of your mouth and you're not telling me it's the best Ryder Cup ever. No, it's not Just because someone's called a screamer in a Major 30s. It's the best, greatest game ever, but it's Hovland in it. Hovland is a legend man. Yeah, any single as well.

Speaker 1:

See that I would never put him anywhere near Jess. If Jess was in that picture, I'd say get out of that picture. If you could partner one of the European guys, yeah, and you're like, this guy's going to put me on his back and he's going to carry me through. Who would it have been? I'd start with off. I said I'd start with off If I could pick one player to play with Fawcems or Four Ball. Nah, he said he's that's a good question Fawcems, fawcems. The question's changed. No, I said who would you pick which partner? Which player would you pick to be your partner? And you know, if it got bound to it, he'd put you on his back and carry you Right. And he said Four Ball or Fawcems. I said Fawcems. I'd go with Shane Lowry, I think. I think he'd put me at ease and make me play my best game.

Speaker 1:

I did not think of all the players. I mean all you need to do is say like that, guys, he's not, you know, not knocking in. But I didn't think that would be the name for knocking him out. Alright, shane Lowry knocked in. Alright, trest Er.

Speaker 1:

I find questions like this hard because my first answer is John Ram. John Ram, nice. The question was who would I want as a mentor of Justin Rose? Did I mention mentor in that? Did I mention mentor? No, liam, it has to be Rory for me, nah, why? Nah, because in he did not. He's only in Jesus' Name.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, that ends where he goes early. Yeah, yeah, who about you then? Oh, rory, and then I'd go Rambo. But why is it not Rory? Because in America he didn't turn up the league. So if you're an American soil and you go by stats, john Ram was the best European in the American right to cup. He was the best, well, other than Rory who outscored him. But Ram was just on fire, this right to cup. So Ram turns up every time.

Speaker 1:

Well, funny to say that, so you can say it. So if, like that's like me saying you know, if I was American I wouldn't choose Tiger Woods because his record's actually not that great in the right to cup. Now, tiger Woods, tiger Woods, rory's not Tiger Woods. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Tristan's getting paired with the European team and he's worried that Rory won't show up beside him. Do you know what You've got to? Let the commitment away. You said there that Ram showed up. Ram got annihilated in the singles. If you don't know who's coming down the, you know the grandstand, they're waiting and it's Rory. I'm going to go Park here, do you know? Yeah, victor Hodlin though. Yeah, there played. I know we just touched upon him, but that guy was was Bleast steel when he. He was just Right, I didn't play. You can have the opportunity to use Hodlin now.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to ask everyone who what their one highlight was, the one moment in a weekend full of them, what was the one moment you stand out moment, I my stand out moment? Yeah, it was between two, but I'm going to go with Justin Rosa's putt. Yeah, that putt on the 18th, with everyone there watching, was unreal. That was class. Yeah, yeah, it was. That was the moment. That was the first thing that came to my head. But I'm going to go with Ram's Eagle. That was class, like, unlike that. That was just um to be actually. I'm going to change that. I'm going to change that wasn't my favorite. That was my favorite.

Speaker 1:

The most impactful moment for me was Cantley's putt on 18. Yeah, they put the sword to Rory. Yeah, I'm going to be different and not go European as well. The the one shot or the one moment that impressed me the most was Max Homer, uh, declaring an unplayable and making the up and down. That was incredible because if he misses that putt he gives Europe the right occur, so, from an individual standpoint, to have the the balls to say look, I'm going to take an unplayable and I'm going to make this up and down to keep our hopes alive.

Speaker 1:

I know, you know, usa was sort of out of it, but for the, for the split moment during Sunday, you know there was a few Americans that were just one, but like the tables could have easily turned for it to be a lot closer than it was. But for him to stand up and be counted in that moment has got to be like. I think I had the feeling for him it was all this caddy. Obviously he makes decisions and I'm obviously played the shot, he's the golfer, but it wasn't all this caddy. Then he was in an interview after he said he did, he just played and do any of the thinking.

Speaker 1:

It was the caddy that said you're going to take an unplayable, you're going to pitch it to six foot and you're going to sink the putt. And he just and Homer just went and done. So he's got his. He does the caddy's thing, was going to do it. This caddy said you're going to check it to six foot. Why can't I check it? Do you know what? Mental Ten times? Yeah, every interview about that moment is going to be with his caddy. Nobody's going to want to speak to my tome. Do you know what? Yeah, I've been seeing. It's the after my message in the pub before and I told it's the account I told you to follow on Twitter or X now and it's called live golf insider. Well, funny. Yeah, I don't know if it's some guy or some kid purposely trying to get her eyes out of people. Yeah, they did get me thinking.

Speaker 1:

If you brought the American team from last rider cup over to this time exact same players do you think they went so again? If you, do, you think you, if you brought the American side that won the last rider cup in America, which is probably done paper, the best ever American side yeah, brought them over to this rider cup, do you think? And face the European team, do you think they would have done better? If not one or what, what do you reckon? No, no, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I think they've definitely done better. They've been a lot closer match. I think in the last rider cup the Americans had a lot more egos and I don't think they managed their egos Well.

Speaker 1:

I think that's a captain's fault though, isn't it in? Jack Zack, zack, johnson, yeah, like putting putting Scotty, scotty and Kepica together. For me, it was just a huge mistake. It was. The biggest mistake was when Spieth went out first. He was fucking all over the place and not to the point where you think, oh, he might salvage this. It was like this guy is, he's just way off the mark and then put him out again, him and Thomas again three times. That was stubbornness, wasn't it? Yeah, yeah, anyway, you've all missed the peak highlight anyway. Oh yeah, you're going to say Rory's chip, rory in the car park? No, I was playing in the years as well, by the way, I was dead impressed, all of them. Do you know what I don't get about that, though? It was like the shot itself was unbelievable, but when I missed that chip and then it was on Twitter and it was like Tommy with the no luck chip or something. He turns his head when the ball is pretty much on the edge of the cuff. Yeah, he kicked. I don't know how. Is that a no luck chip? The flag came out and he was like that's Tyrell Hatton's third by the Cuffing Hill. Tyrell Hatton was awesome. That European team was insanely good.

Speaker 1:

What did you think of the whole situation with Catnley's Cardi and then Rory in the car park afterwards and everything? I liked it in terms of entertainment value. People have been saying now you'd have better watch out than New York fans. You'd have better watch out, and I feel like saying we want that, particularly as fans. The more shit they give us when we go there, the better it is for golf, because I just love it. So it's not our fault. They can't take our banter. They never have been able to take British banter, so they were pissed off because we were just taking the cap sock. It's funny. Just laugh and move on. Why do you have to talk about it?

Speaker 1:

I thought the act of taking a half and waving it if he just stood next to someone else, if he stood where he was when he initially starts waving his hat the whole time sound. And then he walked over to Rory, near Rory and he invaded his space. So I thought that's not on. But Rory tells him if he goes, like sorry, he walks away, rory says to me, and he moves closer to Rory, and I was like that, for me, was like that is too far, that's a bit of a dick thing to do. And then he told me you're even lips. You're like shut the fuck up, shane, which I thought was pretty funny.

Speaker 1:

The thing is, though, that carried a lot of weight going into Sunday, and I say I know we had a comfortable lead and Europe were the better team all weekend, but it removed any nervousness of capitulating under pressure, or it just put. I know the big lead would have put them at ease as well, but they had something extra to it was the thing that made them put their foot on their throats. You know what I mean. It ended them because Rory was furious, and you're looking at Rory McRoy and you're like right, I am fucking going into battle with this guy tomorrow. He is up for it, he wants to teach them a lesson, and I'm just like I'm going to be sat in the locker room getting proper giddy. I'm like fucking, let it go.

Speaker 1:

That was the giving you that last bit of fire before the final day to be like, right, yeah, let's go out. Yeah, face these off. It was. It was like you know the Michael Jordan last dance thing when he said that he used to find something like makeup stories about other players. He used to make it up. Have you said something about me? Piss me off or just ignite a fire in him to just go out there and cause absolute chaos. And that's what that moment was.

Speaker 1:

It'd be funny to hear golfers say stuff like in locker rooms and like I'm going to kill you all the carpet. I'm going to say something now and I'm putting my nuts on the chopping board. You do have a time, you, every time you go to the podcast. Actually, I'm going to just touch upon something quickly. I'm going to say I said this, like I said a couple of times this season, this podcast already Rory will win loads of majors if he brings his fucking attitude from the right to cut to majors. He wants to go play well, and that's what he does. He went for a mob, but that's a different point. My point is, with the nut chopping, yeah, shane Lowly pissed me off a little bit why he was over celebrated and just so much stuff. No, mate, do you remember the medical bit, like the laugh that kept me holding the pet for part. No, I was like he was like dude. I was like what is he doing? And I was just like I feel a bad saying that he's a wealthy guy.

Speaker 1:

Josh, from what we said before, if in another world I did get paired with Shane Lowly and I just had much in his energy on all these celebrations, you're sat at home watching me, do you remember? There was a couple of bogeys it was more like how much one it was but I was like, oh, shane, oh mate, come on. Like you're literally the only one. I think the European family were like, yeah, just doing it to entertain him. Like, but they'd crack me up the whole time. They had to mate. I've never seen anything like that. That would be awesome. Have you seen the football clip of the kid who makes his debut and he scores, but their team is already like three goals down and he scores and celebrates like Matt and his teammates come over to him like what the fuck are you celebrating for? Get the ball, but I should be rolling in a putt to lose the hole or something. Josh, didn't you do that playing before? I was literally going to say that. I don't know if I told the story on the pod before.

Speaker 1:

But when I was a junior there was literally not enough junior golfers at our Anglesey at the time to make a full county team, so I got drafted in off 25. And then obviously at the time, if it's the other case, the Anglesey golf team was pretty much the same as what it was in New York that you guys were playing. It was very respectable and they have very old fashioned golf sort of guys running the team. Yeah, but it wasn't Rambler, it was the older guy who used to drive on the buggy all the time and we were anyway, me and Harvey got paired together going down the first and me off 25, having like 15, and we paired a couple of guys off like scratching too. Yeah, and obviously it's all scratch off county.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, I put my seventh shot just left of the green in the fridge. Yeah, we were in for birdies, about six foot I come, but there's about 45. And then the guy in the buggy. The guy in the buggy just looked at it and was like I don't know, I mean like literally a whole pet birdie and we were on balance. There wasn't anything in my back room. It's like, and you're off to it, shane Lowry.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so, steve, you know I've been a little bit of a rubbing out. Yeah, man, should we go to the quiz? Yeah, all right. Okay, just just before you do. Yeah, yeah, josh, you'll have to tell that story about the you and you and Ben and Harvey and the rain one. Oh, yeah, so save that for a video. Man, I just got to be fucking. Yeah, yeah, we can show demonstrations in the video. Yeah, we won't name the victim like. We'll just name Ben, although he's been named already. Oh, no, you just fucking knew. It's actually funnier that you know Randall. Yeah, right, ready.

Speaker 1:

Question one what pairing have played together the most times that I'd occur? Ethan Thomas, no, so you're out. I thought you meant from current players. Why did you think that? Hey, you're gonna stick with these things, lad. Question two In 19,. What One they'll need? Yeah, in 1999,. What golf have became the youngest ever member of Team Europe? I laugh about no, sure, so do, yeah, oh, that's a great shout out. Of course, I laugh about 40 by then. Question three who's the oldest ever USA captain? And it was in the 2014. Yeah, I didn't know that. I don't know where Josh tonight tonight, well, it doesn't matter anything, because he's always going to do is, if he left me out, friends, it'll just take a pint off what he owes me.

Speaker 1:

The last time that we've talked about when America trounced us, what was the score? Eight and a half, nine and a half? No, sure You're not cheating, are you there? No, yeah, oh, she can play. Did you do a pop tap? No, I don't know. You can't say no, I don't know. 10, 19. Yeah, I'm stopping the losing score before the winning score. Well, 17, 11. No, 19, 9. So, no points to score there, 19, 9. Can you get that many points? Can you 28 points? Yeah, it's out of 28 points. Yeah, well, you have to have that many points, yeah, yeah, yeah, I couldn't be asking anything in my match if I'd known that the right to cut was lost.

Speaker 1:

Who was the losing captain for Team Europe Last year? Just in general, last year? Well, it can't be in general, exactly. So, stick a little bit. I'll have to find the cup, the one I'm carrying on, oh shit, I know you would. No, the West was never captain. The right, the cup, you're embarrassing yourself.

Speaker 1:

Um, alright, this is too long. I mean I changed the format. It's first, two, three tonight. Okay, I hope no, hold on, I know this one it was. I'm looking at you now Like I'm sorry. No, right, I'm going to help you get on the board here, right? Still an active golfer, still active on like social media trying to teach people. I'm Irish, can you use? Uh, no, I don't know why I was going to say that. So you're going to play and didn't take it. So the scores are one to Josh, to Liam zero to wash chances. I don't get it for shopping out. No, because you already out. You know the rules. Was I out there when he was out? Yeah, you all got it wrong. Alright, move on.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if anyone in the last game who ended who ended up scoring the most, as in the American ride, the car in, whenever we were who ended up scoring the most points for Team Europe in that 99, the three In whistling straight to me yeah, uh, ram. Yeah, I gave you the answer five minutes ago. It's John Ram. So two, two, no, two, two, three. That would be my Record. My first one, right. Which American golfer had a five point record in the last ride?

Speaker 1:

Justin Johnson, yeah, I'm not giving you a pint, mate. I'm not giving you a pint. I refuse to. I've got a point on board. Yeah, finally, yeah, jesus, you're not going to rent this Right.

Speaker 1:

Who do you? Who do you think here? Do you know what would be well, if any, if we did an internal start from the scratch, ride a cup. You only.

Speaker 1:

I'm definitely American, absolutely Losers and cringes up. Minos can be captain of the European team. You can have Jack. Do you know what, mate? I'd have to disagree with you. I think that you and Jack are American. I know, yeah, because you and Jack are like pretty out there personalities and you kind of do weird stuff which American people do. If you look at the social media accounts that we all laugh on lads chatting that like Casey Frey and that that's you. Yeah, yeah, that is funny, but I'm European winners. That's what I'm like. That's the point I'm getting at. Yeah, but the European personality British, german, french that's more like me and Liam in it. No, oh, yeah.

Speaker 1:

By the way, talking about the character and stuff like that and being out there, you guys called me out the other day for my putting and the universe coming soon or all that. I know who's been thinking about it losing something. Can I ask you if you've seen the video of Oshan's poster on TikTok? Yeah, that is a wow funny video. That is a wow funny video. I was crocking up for ages but there was. You haven't seen it. You need to go and have a look because it is. It is well funny and it's true as well. Liam, you're putting his garbage. There's no, there's no denying it. You've been doing the no look part.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, finish your point. Well, I'm just waiting. I've called them out for a match, josh Osh and Sam Feagan. They can have the best, so like like a four ball, but they get to choose the best score of three against me on my own. So why aren't you calling out like Jack or Tristan or somebody like equivalent sort of handicapped here? First of all, because Josh is the one who said my putting was shite. Second of all, because it is. Why am I getting in trouble for, like, it's like saying two or two is four, sam piped up. And third of all, I'm calling you out because you made the fucking video. I honestly think that Josh would beat you. Thank you, see. I'm team Europe offered. I've offered the match and there's been no response. I'll take the match.

Speaker 1:

I'm going on the record and saying like you, do you think this? Do you even think there's one ounce of you that gives off an intimidation sort of factor, because there isn't, because you absolutely got to put in. And for me it's a win-win because I you're not like that. Yeah, you're not, I win. Oh, I thought you were going to Josh. I know I win when I win. You've lost to a 20 handicapped putting which you refuse to say that I was better. By the way. If you win, congrats, mate. You beat a 20 handicapped. I'm sure you're supposed to do that out of five. It's a whole other risk on you. I absolutely think I'd beat you In a better format, or Sean, josh and Sam Fieger they would.

Speaker 1:

They would 100% beat you there. 100% Get it, get it, get it sorted. Yeah, I'm happy to have this much filmed, you know. Can I ask one thing though, sam? You can't expect me to. You've you've opted for um.

Speaker 1:

We've said your shit at putting. Which hands up. If we think the hands are putting right, it's in the screen instead of viewing all the hands it up. Yeah, evenly hands. What you you're saying your shit at putting is let's have a match. We're like a small percentage of it is putting. This is going. Yes, I'm happy I beat you in a fight, mate, let's have an arm wrestle. Hang on a minute. Does that set up everything? No, no, no, no. This is. I fully acknowledge that the weakest part of my game is putting. Let's not twist my words here for the listeners. I asked you your words.

Speaker 1:

Josh's comments are that his putting is better than mine. That those were his comments that his putting is better than mine. We've already discussed this on the podcast and, tristan, you back me by calling Josh out for talking shit, sounds like it. I'm putting In that time. Josh has beaten me out of Hoi Lake, mate. I've seen what he can produce and now I'm on the other team and there's nothing wrong with that. That's not legal, by the way. Things change. Josh said it. But me versus you and then you versus Josh will have two different putting cards and the call is a fairly long record, and then you can have your say. We'll come in the pub and we'll hold the hand up and say we were worse at putting than a five-handicapper. I've got it, josh. I'm calling you as well as you.

Speaker 1:

Gay looker, sam Fegan, you can get a piece of it too. I will say that Sam Fegan is like a kid who's just itching to just get a hammered, isn't he? I don't know why he gives off the vibe he gives, but everybody who comes across him just wants to beat him. Mum, have you come across him properly off? Not really, but from what I do know about him, I quite like him. You quite like him? Yeah, I do. I quite like the little guy. He's all mouth in our group chat and he completely disappears on social media. The listeners probably think this is a made-up person. Yeah, he is a real life version of Wack-a-mole. He'll pop up a one-hole and give you shit You're going to slap and he disappears. Of course, I'm never home, he's just. He's got a big one as well. He always just.

Speaker 1:

The bed is jockeying much better as well. If we can't get to create a video, for whatever reason, then we need to get on the putting green. Yeah, I don't know what I've got here, but yeah, we do need to get on the putting green and settle this beef once for all. But Liam won't say that His back hurts. His back hurts for some reason. Yeah, I carry the quality gold for the family. Well, that took valuable time.

Speaker 1:

I did want to discuss one topic before we sign off, and I don't know if this is asking for another hour's worth of discussion, but I'm going to throw it out there anyway. It's interesting. It is about when I first heard that Sergio Garcia had tried to pay the fees to get himself back into contention for the European team. I thought that's bullshit, it's not true until he made the comment on it and I thought it's obviously happening. So I just want views on that. Um, view, view, view, view. You lying in the bed, you're making it. Whatever the fucking saying is. Yeah, you left, mate, you left like they just deal with it at the end of the day. You left for a better golfing life. Yeah, you knew what came with that and of like. I'm not saying whether I agree with it or not, but those are the facts, so I agree with it. That's the same point I have.

Speaker 1:

The only thing I would add differently is where we go next with Liv, pga, pif and Ryde Cup. Who knows, in two years maybe the team will be blended between Liv and PGA golfers. But we all knew this Ryde Cup would not have any European Liv golfers. So this time particularly, they knew. Don't even ask so, sergio, of doing that and kind of appearing like a hero. I'm like this bullshit. They'll waste the time. I haven't given a fuck that he's done it. He knew that. He knew in this moment he wasn't going to be chosen. Yeah, but what's the question Is it like? Should we have allowed him to pay the fee? No, I just want your opinion on Sergio even doing that in the first place, given that he went to Liv under the cloud that he did, I've got no problem in it. It would have been pretty futile attempt, because this isn't a scenario where I know we've got different views on Justin Thomas. But there's the argument that can be made that maybe Bryson should have been selected from Liv instead of JT for this Ryde Cup.

Speaker 1:

Who's the other ones? Taylor Gouches won a few events on the Liv tour. This isn't the same. There's nobody on that European team that you go. Yeah, do you know what? I might have swapped him out for Sergio Garcia. I think he's beyond…. Say loudly yeah. His contribution to the team. He's a legend. He is part of the coaching staff, absolutely, but not as an incontent to play. You're not going to pay a fine to come and coach. Yeah, you may as well buy a ticket and do it much cheaper. Why do you turn that? That would be nice. I'll be classed that one. I have one last question. Yes, no answer from everyone. I don't want you to look the wrapper. I'll start with Ash.

Speaker 1:

Do you think players, after the alleged reports of Patrick Gansley, do you think players should be paid to play in the Ryde Cup? Yes, some, no. So I think the amount of money that the Ryde Cup makes it is off the back of those players. Being so good, it's not fair that that money doesn't feed down to them. But also they shouldn't get any other money. It should be like right, you're going to get paid £50,000 or whatever. Choose a charity, it will go straight to that. Does that make sense? That's what you've been set up as being in the past. Oh, yeah, yeah, glad to be without. It shouldn't be like whoever is keeping all the money gets to keep all the money. The money should be spread out to the players.

Speaker 1:

But I do like the idea that you're not playing for any money in particular. You're playing for your team and that's it for the private player for you there. But it would be nice to be able to say get to pick your own charity or whatever, and it goes there. Yeah, that's a good idea. I agree with that, tristan. You obviously. I think you're going to be able to use flat out now. Do you know what money is going to charity? No, I think it's at the pay of it. If you want my opinion on that, mate, I don't think. No, I think a lot of charities are like not actually where they're going to go.

Speaker 1:

I believe the players should be paid. I do because I've been keeping close tabs on this on Twitter all week and I follow a coach called Jonathan Yawood. You know about him. I've heard of him. Yeah, he made a great point this week. Well, he didn't actually make a point, he just made a flat.

Speaker 1:

So someone in America they've been debating this quite heavily and one of them has said like, what about Olympians? Olympians don't get paid. What he was saying is as an Olympian, you're part of such a huge variety of entertainment value. You're a sprinter, a swimmer, a jumper, a shooter. The show is everywhere. In the Rideca it's the 24 players and nothing else. They are the show specifically, and the Rideca makes £500 million. The PGA of America, the Rideca, is not a not-for-profit organization, so the Rideca is to create a profit. However, they want to use it to grow the game or whatever.

Speaker 1:

But the fact of the matter is, if those players are saying you've got the likes of Brooks now, if Brooks was being paid to appear in the Rideca under his live contract? I think one of the points Patrick Cantlay was making is are we going to keep up or not, right? So if you haven't paid this, historically, now you're bringing Brooks in, who's a live golfer, who gets paid to be on the team. What are you, as the PGA, going to do to rival that? Because you've said you're going to match live toe-to-toe? Yeah, I mean, I'm a dark-minded. So what's your answer? Trist, the pay-in. They should get paid and they should get to keep the money. Yeah, I think that it's entertainment value if you are chosen to play for your team in that. Can I just follow that up then? Yeah, at what point?

Speaker 1:

Then, if you go down that route, what if Rory says I want £2 million to play and Bob McIntyre wants £200,000? And then you get into the sort of politics where you go in well, we've got this much in the budget for the European Rideca to be and all of a sudden you haven't just got the 12 best players. You've got the 12 within a budget, yeah, but that's a problem for the continental team. It's still a choice, isn't it? It's still a choice, so you can't go and do that. It would be a set fee. So you've made this year's ride.

Speaker 1:

The Cup team, here's your, I don't know. Let's say it's £50,000 or whatever. It's not like. Let's not break the bank stuff. It's paying them for their representation and their entertainment value. But I'm not advocating a tier system.

Speaker 1:

So, for example, now if Rory said, oh, rory, your contract's £2 million or it's not enough, well, don't fucking play. It's a choice, it's still. Do you want to? That's when you start losing the 12,. That's when you start losing the 12 best players. Yeah, but you might lose players. Now. They've still got a choice to play. Now. It's not like they called up to army service. Shut up, bitch. The same process is currently under-neaking.

Speaker 1:

Now, do you want to play in the ride, yes or no? Yeah, well, yeah. But so by that, for me personally, I think it's an honour to represent your country. Oh, do I? I'm not saying it, isn't it? But if it was me, let's not forget these guys, like Osh says, 12 of the best players in Europe and in the USA. They're already earning a shit ton of money. Being paid £50,000 to play in it or whatever, is, for me, irrelevant. It's not. Yeah, you may as well be free. I would never expect to be paid to represent Europe and my country in the ride of the car. I don't agree with it. Let me give you this then, right, give it to us.

Speaker 1:

I personally used to think that Phil Mickelson was the person to blame until more and more information came out, and now I see Phil as a catalyst for some of the positive changes in the game, and one of the things he was adamant about was the fact that the PGA made a shitload of money on the back of the likes of him and Tiger Woods because they were the entertainment value. Now it's the same precedent here. All Patrick can't be saying is the ride of the car is awesome because of us. So why should the PGA of America be making all this money and us not see any of it? But it's a team event, isn't it? It's different to individual events. It's not like this, isn't like?

Speaker 1:

You know, a lot of Phil's arguments were not around the ride of the car. It was about how much the PGA earned from these top events, such as majors and elevated events and that the fact that they weren't getting enough yield from that that purse. So the ride of the car, like I say, is different. I completely understand, like oh, very eloquently put, I understand the logic of why they should be paid, but I just disagree with it because the opportunity to play for your country and your continent supersedes all of that. It takes precedent, it takes priority. So I just be going. I don't care about the politics of being paid, I don't care where the money goes to, I want the opportunity to play in the ride of the car.

Speaker 1:

Rory, at the end, did you see how emotional he was at the end of the ride of the car when the interview? He was emotional, yeah, but he said to any young fans out there truly, this is the pinnacle of golf, this is what you can know why he said this is what you strive towards. I don't care about the politics behind it. No, do you know why he said that? Because he doesn't have a green jacket. All right, that's your opinion. That's your opinion For all that road he's achieved in the game. For him to come out and say that the rider cup is the pinnacle in golf, and I think a lot of the players share that same feeling.

Speaker 1:

Let me ask you right now, then, and it's on the pod Do you want to ride the cup win in a team or a green jacket, yes or no? Well, it's not. Oh, is it? No, it's not. But which is it? Yeah, which is it Bullshit? You're even thinking about it, christian, christian, they're not mutually exclusive, mate. You can help both or neither. Well, which one? They're not saying they want pinnacle. So you're trying to tell me. Are you trying to tell me, yeah, oh, no, hold on, no mind. You're saying, because Rory said it was the pinnacle of golf. Yeah, well, which is it? I know you're also on quiet because you agree with me.

Speaker 1:

Josh, one Ryder Cup win on your belt, as part of a team, or a green jacket in your wardrobe. Which is it? Ah, easier than Ryder Cup. Ryder Cup, mate. Hold on, hold on.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I understand what you're saying in that respect, but what I'm guessing at is how much the Ryder Cup win meant to Rory. You can tell that, in his eyes, he's never. As long as he's able to compete as a team for the Ryder Cup, he's never going to want to be paid Right, hang on, let me take your point. But for Watson has blubbered twice in green jackets to the point where he was like so emotional couldn't talk, but guess what, he was also getting paid shitload for winning as well. So you telling me that if Rory had money for playing in this Ryder Cup, he'd not have cried at the end.

Speaker 1:

Plus on to his next point, like you and every other golfer, if they turn around tomorrow and go, we're not going to be paying anybody to play in the Masters anymore. They'd also be able to turn up and play. But the right thing to do is to feed that money down to the players. Yeah, but the Masters is more of an individual, like it's the honour of representing your country. That's where the difference is. Yeah, I know. That's why I don't think that they should keep the money themselves, but the money should still be filtered down from the top. The top should just keep it on that basis that it's an honour. It's an honour to wear keeping all the money. Why does it always have to be? How much is he getting and what's he getting out of it? The players get to play. I agree with you. They get to be a part of the whole experience.

Speaker 1:

So, like the Masters, it's a separate topic. Yes, from an individual perspective and ambition. The green jacket and the open. That's what you grow up on the putting green with your mate when you're juniors, pretending not to put to win the Masters. On that logic, then let's halve the price of the tickets to get in for the fans. Do you get shares from Rockin? Yeah, he does. Weird, I'm trying to. I think this is a different topic.

Speaker 1:

Now, yeah, and I think this would be well funny to introduce the 9-Cup. I think it would bring it to the next level. Yeah, the Sunday singles yeah, when each match is finished, the loser of the match gets the option of just losing or for two points. They scrap and then the winner gets two points. So if you leave the team, the only thing better is up against the match to get a choice whether they split or steal the money that they get to play. Imagine that now. Imagine that now You're not total hot and you've just lost a box of capca, yeah, and you're like you need two points on the board and you're like, fuck, is it worth me going best and getting my head kicked in, or do I do it for you? I mean, having that will be fucking great, getting a couple of fucking like 12 box ingrubs each, and then you just have to scrap. Josh, you had Tim right saying to Tiro go on, mate.

Speaker 1:

I thought it was an honour to represent your country, josh. What are you doing there? Yeah, if you're in Team America, you're coming down the 18th, you're losing. And you're looking at your partner, thinking, say, your partner is Brian Harmon right, you were Brian Harmon, coming down the 18th and you're going. We're going to have to go for a scrap here. You look to the right and it's Trish, jan and Jespen, right, so he can have paid last time. Jesus, I think I'll be paid.

Speaker 1:

I was just going to laugh a bit, mate. It'd be funny, do not be funny. Imagine the shit you'd get if you know when they call your name at the start when the ceremony, if you got to say what if you were kidding me, you'd get the American's man. No, I know, I'd be like my money's going to the tractor breakdown services, Fucking hell, right, we'll end it there. That is fucking hilarious, all right, so yeah, so listen, try the morning, then this weekend.

Speaker 1:

So the video coming out this weekend is me, josh and Osh on Texas Shambles, and that is worth, is worth watching. It's funny from start to finish. Yeah, I'm not quite there yet as a full-fledged YouTuber to commit to the like and subscribe bit, so I'm going to leave that to Trish. Yeah, but yeah, like and subscribe. So Someone said I could put in comp as well. Yeah, yeah. And then we've got the week let's after the video of you and Osh today again, isn't it you versus me, me and the M? Yes, so Lou's here to find out who the official worst brother in the family is. It's Osh and Osh today. Let's go.

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