Start from Scratch

S2 E17: Lexi Thomson in the PGA Tour and LIV Golf’s Failure with World Ranking Points

Tristian Griffiths & Joshua Griffiths Season 2 Episode 17

Get ready for an episode filled with golf tales, friendly banter, and a hefty dash of nostalgia. We're back with our beloved co-host, Ed, whose absence made us realise just how much we missed his distinctive charm and wit… not. 

We debate Lexi Thomson playing in a PGA Tour event, whether or not she should even be there or not? Is it going to be good for the women’s game? Time will tell. 

The conversation shifts to the challenges of maintaining our golf games during the winter season. We've got our eyes set on the exciting tournaments and new opportunities that come with each passing season. 

Buckle up for a deep dive into recent competitions, golf handicaps, and a fair share of competitive banter. 

If you’ve got an opinion on the LIV Golf failure to get World Ranking Points then join in the debate and let us know what you think!

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you sat there on your ass doing absolutely niche, mate. Yeah, growing another couple of chains, complaining about your knees and what, what, what. And this is what happened. Right, liam and Tresson had that, but I noticed it all happened like Liam will end up a better golfer than me in his life. I'm Jack's death bed. Jack will go. Yeah, mate, but I didn't. I didn't practice, did I? If I had to drop this, I could have been the better golfer. Heyy… he's still being a little pussy ass recently.

Speaker 3:

Alright, yeah, just day in, day out man.

Speaker 1:

Talk to him, liam. What about yourself?

Speaker 2:

What you asking me, man.

Speaker 1:

If you've been a little pussy ass bit recently.

Speaker 2:

You know what it's nice fucking here from you. It's a rude.

Speaker 1:

What Don't want me to laugh? Do you know how you cut me deep for that? I was searching offensive things. What can?

Speaker 4:

I ask you, why do you always start the podcast and, like, stretch your?

Speaker 1:

fucking depression. He's all moody bastard innit.

Speaker 2:

I've got a fucking cut apart from Ed. I've got to come on here and speak to you guys for 45 minutes.

Speaker 4:

You don't have to do it if I'm gone. Me and Josh have told you before. What do you mean apart?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

What have you said? You know what this pod is without me.

Speaker 1:

What do you mean? What do you like talking to Ed dear?

Speaker 3:

No fucking hell.

Speaker 2:

There you go.

Speaker 1:

Talk of people making the pod mate. This guy's the main ingredient. He's the flower in the cake, yeah. I'll eat it.

Speaker 5:

We can have a sit or eat it.

Speaker 1:

I'll tell you something. You can leave now mate, if you want.

Speaker 3:

Jack do you?

Speaker 4:

know what? I've got beer actually.

Speaker 1:

I'm on sober October. Boys Broke it last weekend, but it's continuing this week.

Speaker 5:

Sober October thing, it's dry January innit.

Speaker 1:

No, sober October is on it, and then wait, and then I'm gearing up then towards an absolute naughty little November.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I've ordered, sat at mine like.

Speaker 1:

Sat at mine 26 days ago.

Speaker 3:

That's you down to a T. You're doing sober October and you broke it last weekend. It's the 12th of October.

Speaker 1:

Yes, that's what I mean. It's October, that's why I'm doing it sober October in October, obviously.

Speaker 5:

Just do as a play mate. Put your camera back, your beaks to my camera mate.

Speaker 1:

Hey, for all the people who actually listen to the pod or watch it if you say on YouTube, you'll notice how Jack's going his beard out this time. So that that's a good like. Just like one, right, chris? Talk us through the agenda.

Speaker 4:

Jack, if you're going to have like chat off camera, won't you mute yourself? Is that a good idea, or?

Speaker 5:

No, trist says for you to share the favour.

Speaker 3:

Right mate.

Speaker 4:

Does. Mia know it's on video now. She's going to be on video doing that.

Speaker 5:

We're going now.

Speaker 1:

I didn't ask for the agenda. I asked what agenda was. Are you non-binary?

Speaker 4:

My agenda is straight up, old fashioned mail mate. Oh, I've heard. Yeah, alright, the agenda is first of all the part time returns. Eddie comes in once every 10 episodes.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

So welcome back, make sure everything's in check.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you can see, to be fair, like since you left that it's not been the same. We've just we've got any better, it's just gone. Like like that, mate, you were like that weight on the bottom of the plane, mate, I was like that weight was going to suck straight up, you are doing the arm mate.

Speaker 3:

We were destined to succeed, don't we, liam? Your golf games clearly not getting any better.

Speaker 1:

This isn't about my golf game, mate.

Speaker 3:

It's about your golf game. This podcast is about your golf game.

Speaker 1:

That's a t-shirt on the 11th right.

Speaker 3:

Honest to God.

Speaker 5:

Are you a fan? Do me a favour, spell this. N-u-t-i-n. That's what you bring.

Speaker 3:

Bring that in Do you know what it's like. It's a little bit like when you leave a company and you go and start a new job. You think, god, I wonder if they've got all this shit together and now like how are they a really good organisation? I thought that about your golf game until I realised you're still actually a garbage.

Speaker 1:

Who not me, or Jack Jack's garbage as well?

Speaker 3:

I want to know. Mate Jack is garbage.

Speaker 5:

Is the top right in my screen.

Speaker 1:

No, no, jack is garbage. Liam's probably the most consistent now Tristan continue the agenda mate.

Speaker 4:

He has been here for about 12 minutes but, by the way, liam is online. Yeah hi Liam.

Speaker 2:

Alright, people, I'll just go list into you guys, that shit.

Speaker 1:

I'll just watch Age. Wait, it's normally the way around.

Speaker 4:

Hi other party. Hi the party Jen Josh. So I want to tell people formally to subscribe to the YouTube channel if they haven't done so. I want to mention that it's a fucking crying shame that we have shit weather in the UK and I don't want to go into detail that I just want to say that pisses me off, because when you look at what we have from now till March or April, it's embarrassing.

Speaker 1:

It is embarrassing. It's embarrassing to have bad weather in winter.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Like how embarrassing is that.

Speaker 1:

Liam, that we've got wind and rain in the city and, like the months, that it's notorious.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it's like it's the first winter we've had weather where there's going to be absolute shock. It's ah. Do you know what I'm feeling?

Speaker 1:

I'm as upset. I know you might look at us.

Speaker 4:

I know you might look at us as you are. It's just logic. So if winter is just naturally wind and rain all the time, what the fuck happens to our summer?

Speaker 1:

Well, you've got a right to complain about something. Yeah, that's what we're saying. You can't complain about fucking winter.

Speaker 4:

Right, here's what I want to do. Okay, I want to recap on golf seasons and what we want to do over the winter. Then I've got two discussions I want to do this evening and the quiz, right. So the golf season recap we're gonna start with, then we're gonna move on to. I know it feels like we sort of gave her shit all the time, but Lexi Thompson is playing in the PGA tournament and then I want to talk about the big one live golfers not getting ranking points. So I want to start with golf seasons. I think mine will be the shortest, so I go first. I have just been completely shit. I'm not even smiling as I say that. Just so bad. If there was An emoji that matched your personality would be that dog.

Speaker 1:

Yeah he's a dog. Well, they said what's that guy said a man again.

Speaker 5:

My chest.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that is, what do you mean? What do you mean? Your golf season?

Speaker 4:

I would say my past two golf seasons have just been so bad, played by the same thing, I think, as a as an overall problem. So the amount of times I've told their dean month Now, at times I told you, josh, when I watch the videos of us late, lately, looking at my own alignment is just embarrassing it like really, really is. And for such a simple concept, which you'd say is baseline golf, can you aim in the right place? I'm just struggling with it so much. It is like screwing with me as I step up to the ball and that's just ruined my last two years golf. So my golf season has just been so poor and I know a good reason your golf is non-existent, mate.

Speaker 2:

You don't. You know this, you know. But of any golf club you literally do not play. So you have got a neck on you About things that are going wrong and things that I'm and you know I'm first.

Speaker 5:

If you were straight you could aim. Straight makes sense.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, you, you. You're lying to not only Three your brothers on your closest friend, but also to the probably about two or three people listening to this. When it comes out, you only found out about your alignment being off, I'm gonna say six weeks ago. That's a lie.

Speaker 3:

I didn't, you, I didn't know to me and you're like you know what.

Speaker 1:

It was in the diamond you made about two months ago. You were like Do you know, my alignment been off. To say this really two years.

Speaker 5:

I just say Don't say you came to me like you're a golf pro.

Speaker 1:

He does come to me.

Speaker 4:

He does come to me.

Speaker 5:

I've noticed on every podcast you go oh you know, jack came to me about this. Oh yeah, nobody comes for you, to you, for advice.

Speaker 1:

We've been to you, you all you all come to me and I come on you.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

Even though you're talking about your ass. So he is clearly. Don't take this the wrong way, just, but you have had an issue with your alignment for a long time. Yeah, it's just something you've been able to like, teach yourself out of because you don't play enough now.

Speaker 4:

So yeah, basically I don't want to like that. I could just say the same thing over and over. But that is me over the pop.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna override your combo because we're spending too much time on a guy season. He's just even play golf, okay, okay, but I'm gonna try and get the next worst one out of the way quickly, lia.

Speaker 2:

What do you mean? Next most one.

Speaker 1:

Because you, you are an incredibly intelligent guy and you speak very well. It's just there's no like Pizzazz to the way you say things sometimes.

Speaker 4:

I'm saying if we get yours out of the way now, then we can get to jack and then we'll.

Speaker 1:

There's no, there's no point going I do, because that guy just just swam as well.

Speaker 5:

I think the food you'd be a waffle, because you, yes, yeah, you really do. I try to put cinnamon over here sometimes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

All right, my season. Am I talking about how the season's gone or or what we're looking forward to?

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna override. I want you to use your brief recap of your season should be, but I want you to spend then the last half of it. Tell all the serious note, telling the viewers what you've got planned for this coming winter, because you've got something cool planned to be fair.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so my season, for the most part, has been disappointing. I've had a couple of decent rounds, but for the majority it's not been where I'd like it to have been. Um, the consistency compared to last season has not been there. And then, looking forward to the new season, I've just agreed a 10 session Program with the local pro, john Bevan, at bull Bay golf club.

Speaker 3:

Liam, I sound like a Premier League manager. That is about.

Speaker 5:

I was thinking then I've agreed a 10 and you've agreed a 10 year contract or something.

Speaker 1:

Hey, this is. This is this is why this is basically I've got 10. He's got a full winter plan. He's got, he's gonna go on to, he's gone to dr Golf club. 20 leon, he's got a full. Yeah, and it's the one thing I respect about the golf.

Speaker 2:

So, working on my fitness and my mobility, do some workouts that are more golf Oriented. Yeah, like I say, mobility, flexibility, strength training and Work on my swing with with John. So hopefully, coming into next season, I'll be in a position where um, obviously I'm always gonna have to work on my game, but I'm hoping I'll be able to hit the ground running come after April.

Speaker 1:

I, I'm gonna say this and this is gonna upset one person this job, I know it is straight away. One thing I respect about leon tristan has always been to be at. Tristan's always been quite transparent with his golf. He's either in it or he's not, and he's never given a like he's, he's, he is what he is. Leigh-am has got a goal in mind and he, he, wants to pursue that goal and at the end of his golfing career he'll be able to go.

Speaker 1:

Do you know what? I gave it a good run. I know those two years I was like do you know what? I spent loads of money on it. I got fit for a new set that the girlfriend doesn't know about yet. But I'm getting a new set. I've put money into my fitness and everything. Jack, on the other hand, yeah, you've sat there on your ass doing absolutely niche Mate. Yeah, growing another couple chains, complaining about your knees and what, what, what and this will happen, right, I'm interested in that, but I know it's happening like leon will end up a bad golfing in his life. I'm jack's death bed Definitely. Yeah, me, but I didn't. I didn't practice tonight. If I Couldn't be the better golfer, oh.

Speaker 2:

Who the fuck let him onto this pod without car crashes?

Speaker 5:

Well Can. I just say please do so. It's gonna be some viewers listening to podcast and they've only seen Me and leon play golf once and I dismantled him Like whole by whole, dismantled you.

Speaker 2:

I like There'll be some viewers listening to the podcast.

Speaker 1:

Oh, let us leave us is Abby, come on. I know you didn't have much of a season.

Speaker 3:

I've played. Uh, to be honest with you, the only times I have played have been like through work, and I was really looking forward to playing in woburn. I played there about six weeks ago.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's weird and grievance yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so got invited to play there. It's an amazing golf course like. The facilities are unbelievable tight. They still got that performance center there, so, anyway, all I all I heard all day was the the sound of actually a brand new pro v is hitting the center of trees that are about a meter wide Of every single hole, and I was in the middle of trees. I played absolutely crap.

Speaker 5:

I saw a minute. You were gonna go hit in the center of your club. That took a no, no.

Speaker 3:

And usually my ball striking is something that I can like. My my short game is not particularly good, but I usually can rely on a ball striking. It was all shit, but it was all crap. No, it's true.

Speaker 1:

You said, yeah, no, you had a good ball striking.

Speaker 3:

Yes, you are.

Speaker 1:

Don't make me say again you are, you are.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but I've had, I've had no seat, I've had, I've had no season. I have no plan for the only plan I've got the season I have to say this quietly is because, um, I'm hoping to go back to Alicante in about three weeks to play one round ago, I hope, a few beers and then come back. That's my plan for the winter.

Speaker 2:

Good luck, so get warmed up.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's it.

Speaker 1:

And now the one for all the, for all the listeners jack, let's talk us through your season. It was when you did suffer. You did suffer. A Potential career ended an injured start season at you when you left. You left me.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, it's all my life ACL. So now I've got zero ACLs, um, but unlike any of you, for I was victorious this this year, um, so I'm gonna win.

Speaker 4:

No, you weren't. I've had a no you wasn't, what did you win?

Speaker 3:

a yeah but he didn't add. No, no, what do you mean? He didn't. What are you?

Speaker 5:

Wait it, we can't all do this qualified because they changed their tee time to shoot the weather, so he's going to rain. So they went out. It was going to be a horrible rain at two o'clock jack.

Speaker 4:

I don't think. I don't think it should be you telling the story, because that's bias. Yeah, as someone who's not a member of the golf club and as someone who wasn't like anything to do with it, I think it should be me. And here's what happened Greg Jack had the second lowest score of the day on a saturday and managed to wangle a trophy. That's facts.

Speaker 1:

Uh, yes, that can highest score. It was stable. Second highest score. Yeah, yeah, so he wasn't the best on the day, no was that it Was.

Speaker 5:

That it really. Anyway, yeah, one dub.

Speaker 3:

After Jack. After Jack, after Jack has spoken to Liam when he's on his deathbed, going to get a golfer than you or whatever he said, the guy who beat him in the Asian Cup will come in and he'll go. I've actually beat you in the Asian Cup. Do you know what?

Speaker 5:

Do you know what? He, he, he. He beat me in the Asian Cup technically. He knocked me out of the singles and then he knocked me out of the doubles. Yeah, but he did go on to win the singles, so he dismantled you really. Oh, without a doubt, he was off like 25, but, swear down, he was Open that jar 15.

Speaker 1:

Open that jar to Jack and had you on toast, didn't he? They absolutely tore back at you today. This, this is. He'll remain nameless.

Speaker 2:

That's something I'm going to say tonight If you were a Subway sandwich, you'd be the Subway Mel.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Speaking of deathbeds right, jack, you are acting so proud about that that on your deathbed it's like you want Haitian Cup winner on it.

Speaker 5:

Well, listen you when you walk into the club. Next time, look to your right Haitian Cup. It'll only say one name in 2023.

Speaker 2:

Well, the winner has to say Can't get Tristan on any shit, mate, you've won the Haitian Cup. Tristan's tank up winner. I'm a Calf. Four of them, you can give. Well, josh is a President's Day winner. We've, we've all won. Yes, mate, yellow T's yellow.

Speaker 5:

T's Yellow T's, you win this. You win this.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yellow, yellow my comfort of yellow T's, I don't care. But do you know what? Do you know what? My win, trist's wins and Liam's wins and Eddie's wins all have a comment. We beat every single person who participated that day.

Speaker 5:

I've got two wins. I've got two wins.

Speaker 1:

And that one's not a board comp.

Speaker 5:

Liam is the Alarm Aller of board comp. I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Josh, no, so there's a podcast. No.

Speaker 5:

See. So everyone listening, you know that's a board comp. Anyway, back to the question. So one derp, multiple top 10s, what? No, apart from that win. Yeah, it's been about two years. I've gone up two full shots.

Speaker 3:

What you're off now 11.

Speaker 5:

What that I don't know?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't know, no, eddie's got a 7, mate 7, mate.

Speaker 3:

From what 5.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 4:

But the red is not. Yeah.

Speaker 5:

No, do not know. Excuse me, she's been bad golf. I'm sorry, mate, fucking hell yeah.

Speaker 1:

Breaking news Ball Bay has just been re-rated by Wales Golf. My right, liam, and technically it's on paper it's become two shots.

Speaker 2:

Let Eddie guess what the revised course rating and slope.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, okay, I don't know what that means, mate, to be honest with you.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, Okay, that makes it simple so was it 120,?

Speaker 3:

was it 129? It was 125.

Speaker 2:

It was 125. And the course was 121.3.

Speaker 3:

Right, you're asking the wrong person here. I don't know, but you always got two shots, didn't you? Off the back-tees, off the wide-tees.

Speaker 2:

Yeah well, now you've lost two shots off the back-tees.

Speaker 3:

You've lost two shots, what so?

Speaker 2:

there's like a four-shot swing Two and a half shot. Well, you've lost a shot. 1.2 shots.

Speaker 1:

So, for example, I would get 21 shots off 18 for 8. 95% would get me 20 shots. Now, 100% off the wide gets me 18 shots. 95% down gets me 70. And I've never played 17.

Speaker 4:

I know it's back to level par then. Yeah Well, no, if anything, it's playing.

Speaker 1:

It's playing.

Speaker 2:

And course rating has gone down. It's a par 70 and it's gone down to 68.8. Course rating.

Speaker 3:

I don't know. To be honest, I always felt that getting two shots off the whites was a little bit generous, but I would say that, taking into consideration the conditions it will be, can be really difficult. Losing that amount of shots is pretty tough yeah.

Speaker 1:

Mate I'm going to be. It's going to be shocking for me next year.

Speaker 3:

You'll hand the couple as opposed to what this year.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah it will be, because I'll be mate. I never played 17. I never played 17.

Speaker 2:

I think you're only going to lose shots initially. I know you have 17 shots.

Speaker 4:

But if you look at it this way, right, and I know that I'm no stranger to like controversy and I'm not going into a completely separate topic Controversy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, it's a word. It's a word, Jack. Well, that's.

Speaker 5:

Controversy. Yeah, Did you say it's controversy then. Controversy.

Speaker 4:

Okay, but if you, we've all played no, liam and Jack didn't have told you, but we all played Hojlik. Eddie, you played Hojlik this year right?

Speaker 3:

No, not this year. I played it last year.

Speaker 4:

Right, so well, anyway, liam and Jack will have gone to play somewhere, no doubt. But when you play Hojlik, mike was actually showing us the back tees. So you've got the pro tees, but you've got back tees as well, the competent tees. Now, the difference between the tees we were playing and their just their genuine competes was a different golf course. It was much harder golf course, from almost hole to hole. So yellow and white tees is a different completely serve, different, complete serve At bull bay. It isn't so to be given two shots of.

Speaker 5:

It's a bit different. The par-3s are all different.

Speaker 1:

Oh, we've lost Tristan, but that's probably a good thing, I get what you're coming from.

Speaker 5:

I get what you're coming from.

Speaker 3:

I get what you're coming from.

Speaker 1:

I get what you're coming from.

Speaker 4:

I get what you're coming from. Josh, why?

Speaker 2:

I'm going to tell you.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to tell you.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to tell you.

Speaker 5:

I'm going to tell you. I'm going to tell you.

Speaker 2:

Alright, okay.

Speaker 4:

Any chance to carry on there, jack, is there any chance that a person could finish a point?

Speaker 5:

Get to it then.

Speaker 4:

Right. So she's playing in the PJ Tournament. Yes, she's playing off the same teas as then, and if you're considering that now, last year the cut came up four under par at TPC Summaling, which is where they're playing, and that's listed as 7,225 yards. Jesus, it's about 700 yards longer than the last LPGA setup.

Speaker 5:

Jesus Much longer really isn't it.

Speaker 4:

Even though yeah, it's for. Well, you can think about that. Well, it's 700 yards over your own.

Speaker 1:

It's 50 yards longer on 14 of the 18 holes.

Speaker 4:

And even though Thompson hits the average driving distance at 270, which is a bomb, really in the women's game, there's six par fours at Summaling that measure more than 440 yards, and two of them longer than the 460 yards. There's one par five that's 606 yards. So, going by Lexi Thompson's stats, it's impossible for her to actually get to that in two. So what do we think about how she'll perform? Given that we don't know how she'll perform, or the fact that she's even in it, she becomes the 7th to appear in the PGA Tournament.

Speaker 1:

I mean I've got no issues at all and I'm not sure why people did as well or do with her being in the PGA Tournament. And as for the length, I don't think she'll struggle on par fives. I think her wedge play is really good, like look at Zach Johnson when he was in the Masters and he didn't go for a par five in two. The whole time Went for it and for the wedges. So that's not a problem. My only question is that, with some of the controversy with these I know we're going to come onto it in a minute the live World Golf Ranking. How does it translate? Obviously there's some sort of method in it. Does she get men World Golf trot and ping?

Speaker 4:

points or something. She's not going to get any of those in the invite it's like, so she doesn't get any.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't go towards her performance whatsoever.

Speaker 4:

She get any money. She'll get money wherever she plays, so she's invited to be a competitor in this event. That's it basically. Her ranking points won't translate into the women's game.

Speaker 1:

I think, so.

Speaker 2:

What's the question Like? What are you asking us about?

Speaker 4:

Is that for me?

Speaker 5:

Is it rhetorical?

Speaker 4:

No right, I actually do have an issue with it because oh, yeah, Miss Contra Vossi.

Speaker 5:

I call it.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Manati. I don't know if you remember him who, peter Manati? He made a good point and yet to go back on it because he was almost cancelled for it. But this time of year in the men's game is vitally crucial for every single person who's trying to make a living out of these events. So with that field, she's actually taking the place of one man who needs as much money, needs as much ranking points, needs as much bonus points or whatever to make it into a better situation in next season's tour. Now she's invited to just sort of bring something to the event that's different to what it has to offer. And now, if I give you these statistics, you have to beg the question why are they inviting Lexi Thompson, other than just a bit of media? So so far, other than one woman who's made, who'd done it twice in 1945, whoever's typing, stop typing.

Speaker 3:

Josh, what are you doing, mate?

Speaker 1:

I'm Googling. I like Tristan, if there's, I know that's how it was Googling.

Speaker 4:

Just don't type, mate, because it's coming through the mic Right. Other than a woman who did it in 1945, none of the women have managed to make the cut at the PJ Tournament. Michelle Wee played in eight straight starts or holds the record for being in eight straight in eight starts of PJ Tournament, and never made the cut. So the people that have missed the cut are the people like Annika Sorensdam, michelle Wee and a few other women who have obviously on that list. So if Lexi Thompson manages to make the cut this weekend, what's it for? All it does for the women's game, in my opinion, is say oh, by the way, you've done well in the men's event, but it does nothing to raise the profile of your actual game because you don't play in this event.

Speaker 1:

No, what it does. If she does well in the men's game, it will show to other viewers male viewers predominantly that the women can play to a higher standard of golf than what they perceive them to that they can Look. The women's standard of golf is not quite as good as the men's but is very good and probably more insane than at times. But no, you don't see that.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, but that isn't so what? So that's what the goal is, is it?

Speaker 1:

That's what the highlight, to highlight the standard of golf is women.

Speaker 2:

I know it's not the goal, and I'm still like I hear it is vitally crucial.

Speaker 4:

But then if Lexi Thompson fails to make the cut, then does that then provide and backing points for the people saying their standards not good enough? Because that's not me, by the way. I've been on the podcast and I've told everybody that the women's game is really on the up and the quality is amazing. The Solheim Cup was awesome. But if she misses the cut, there's going to be a lot more ammo for people to turn and say knew it, knew it.

Speaker 2:

So at what point is a woman allowed to play in the men's field? Why should they? Well, no, like, I think, golf, of all sports, golf is the sport that has the closest how can I say like relationship between the men and the women's game. I don't think there are other sports where people you know, especially men, really look down at the women's equivalent of that sport. And it can only be a good thing.

Speaker 2:

You're like, if you're an aspiring female golfer now, you're, you know, 10 years old or whatever, and you're seeing Lexi Thompson tear up with the men in a PGA Tour event, you're just going to. It's just going to give you, surely, extra motivation. It can only be a good thing. I don't know how. I don't know how it's a bad thing and it's a bullshit logic and point of view to say, oh, she's taken somebody's space, because if that, if that's the case, the women can never, ever play in male events. You know, if you want to, if you want to excel and bet your game, yeah, there's, you know, there's a reason. There's a reason. The standard of golf, in my opinion, is better now than it was 20 years ago Because you had a man called Tiger Woods who raised the bar.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, but with your. Yeah, I get it, but with your point you're making right. So what you're saying effectively is let's not have men's golf and women's golf, let's just have golf. Right. So I'm the best golf, I want a second. Wait a second. If we do what you're saying, yeah, if we do what you're saying, how many women do you think will appear in the top event, if you allow it to be?

Speaker 2:

you're not invited just to best golf and you're putting words in my mouth, all right, I'm not saying we're not at that stage yet where it is just golf. That's clear. You know the men hit it much further than the ladies on average when you look at the statistics. But it's definitely a step in the right direction.

Speaker 1:

So you, you for the one I said now there's an opportunity to show how good women are in the game. And you said that, well, what happens if it? And your question to me was what is it if the opposite happens? Yeah, I don't know if that's a question for a day.

Speaker 3:

I wasn't really concentrating then I hit me on the left field. What I can't understand is well, I believe that she's been invited because it's this children's charity and I think that's the reason, the primary reason, that I think Scott's sponsors invite. I'm not 100% sure, but I think they're making a big play out of that. That's fine, but why can't more women play in PGA Tour events but just put them in as a four ball for the first two days, like I'm sure that for two days, one season. A few of the guys would be happy to accommodate that. I can't understand why somebody has to lose out in playing that week. It doesn't make any sense. It's not like they're playing until it's dark. It doesn't make any sense. I just don't get it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'd agree with that. I don't know by the way.

Speaker 1:

I was just googling if it was actually true, whether she's taken another male spot, and it is true. That was the controversy around. That's here at Long and Apto. I agree with that. Why does that like? Why does one person have to miss out? I suppose, though, if you're going to just tag someone on where you're down the line, isn't it? I've had a set of people in every field where you're like well, we can't have any more people than this and one person just has to lose out. But I think, surely, I think it's a good exposure.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, but I kind of feel like maybe the point I'm making isn't quite understood, because actually I've been the biggest voice to say the Solhank Cup was amazing and I was gripped to it, as I was to all the women's majors this year. So it depends who you are. For me the women's game just needs more media coverage and big sponsorship, because the level of quality is evident to me already. I just think that by taking someone like Lexi Thompson putting it in a PJ Tour event by this time next week, we'll know how she's done. If she's made the cut, great. If she's near the top of the leadboard, great, it's gone really well. If she doesn't make the cut, it'll just be another statistic for people to turn and say oh look, now that's eight women or nine women who haven't made the cut at a PJ Tour event, so there's no need for it. What the women's game needs they already have. They just need more media coverage and more big competition sort of well coverage again. It just needs to be out there more.

Speaker 2:

This is media coverage for women's game though.

Speaker 4:

No, it's media coverage for Lexi Thompson in the man's game.

Speaker 2:

Yeah but, it's for the women's game in the man's game.

Speaker 1:

Which is what we're talking about now. We are talking about women's game.

Speaker 2:

Individually. She's come out and said in a press conference that if she makes the cut, it will be one of the biggest achievements in her career. She's being a realist about it. It's a woman playing in a men's game. It's as simple as that, really.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think that the model they should follow is the Scandinavian mix, I think it's called. That was a really fun tournament where they did the women's off the women's season, the men's off the men's.

Speaker 4:

They were rightfully criticised when we were coming out of Covid or coming out of something. We had the match between Phil and Tiger and there was another match between Ricky Fowler and someone else. They didn't invite the women to be a part of it. That didn't make sense.

Speaker 3:

That doesn't drive TV audiences, does it? This is the problem. It's similar to what's going on in the Premier League If you don't have that TV audience and people who are willing to pay for it, it's not going to be there. The reality is it doesn't stack up for broadcasters and they're the people that drive content. Unfortunately, that's just the case. If you have a few matches and maybe one or two of them were women's, then potentially it might work, but broadcaster drives everything around sports Absolutely everything.

Speaker 5:

The reality of it all is.

Speaker 3:

This is where the podcast ends.

Speaker 5:

No, it's not a joke.

Speaker 1:

It's a joke.

Speaker 5:

You already know that Thomas Thompson is teeing off. You're going to follow her for the first two days. They've already achieved what they're trying to do they're bringing people involved in the women's game.

Speaker 1:

What you are an absolute genius. Get this lad on the board, mate. He will sort things out Just a quick one though. I actually think this is a brief statement. I don't want to expect any comments on it. I think one of the quickest ways to grow the women's game would be to have a ride the cup and saw a lime cup once every four years. They're all mixed and they all got together.

Speaker 4:

Everybody agrees with you On to the quiz. For this week's quiz, seeing as we have five of us on the pod, I want to do 2v2. I'm thinking about the dynamics of teams. I would like to do a SFS all these VSFS newbies. I want to keep the dynamic of Josh V Leam, the dynamic of IDV Jack it's going to be Leam and Jack. Any more dynamics, Josh and Eddie. Let's go. Eddie, the rules are this I'm going to give you PGA Tour events from this year and three golfers you have to confer to see who won. I'm only going to give you a short amount of time. Josh, you typing earlier gave me a bit of nerves so you could be cheating.

Speaker 1:

No, I will never cheat.

Speaker 4:

You can confer and I then have to take your final answer as a team.

Speaker 1:

Are you asking us one team at a time?

Speaker 4:

Whatever, your score is out of three, six questions. I'm going to start with Josh and Eddie. Eddie, let's go. The Zouzou Championship. It was the first half of the year, so the 2022. Was it Mackenzie's News, russell Henley or Keegan Bradley To be?

Speaker 1:

honest, I've got a feeling it's one of those three. I've got a feeling it's Keegan.

Speaker 3:

I think it is Keegan. It's won two or three times this year. Yeah, he has.

Speaker 1:

Normally, when they say they've won two or three times and you can't remember, it's because they've won a lower.

Speaker 4:

Can I just cut across. Jack, get away from your phone.

Speaker 5:

I won't do it on my phone.

Speaker 4:

I swear down, I'll look at the screen. I swear down on Artie's life.

Speaker 5:

I swear down on Artie's life. I can't even find two. If he won it.

Speaker 1:

Eddie, do you want to lock in Keegan?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we'll lock in Keegan Bradley.

Speaker 4:

One point. Yes, I couldn't even find it. Get in Jack and Liam. The Farmers Insurance Open was won by was it Akshay Batia, scotty Sheffler or Max Homer?

Speaker 2:

Pretty recent. I think it's Max.

Speaker 5:

I think it's Max. It's Akshay. I've not seen him acting. Jai, it's Akshay. He's not won this year.

Speaker 1:

He has, he's not won this year?

Speaker 4:

One point it was Max Homer, josh and Eddie who won the FedEx St Jude Championship. Was it Rory McElroy, victor Hovland or Lucas Glover?

Speaker 1:

It definitely wasn't Lucas Glover.

Speaker 3:

He's won a couple of times.

Speaker 1:

It was Hovland. I'm pretty sure he won. He won the FedEx Cup and he won a tournament leading into the FedEx Cup. I'm almost certain it's Hovland, I know it wouldn't have been what was the other one? It was Rory.

Speaker 2:

I think Josh is right.

Speaker 3:

Lucas Glover did win a couple of events coming in because they thought he was going to get picked for the right cup.

Speaker 2:

No, it was Hovland.

Speaker 1:

No, I say he did, he did, didn't he? But I don't think he won there.

Speaker 3:

It was Rory, he wasn't.

Speaker 1:

Rory, I'm going to push you now.

Speaker 3:

I think it was Lucas Glover. I think Victor Hovland came in and had a great last day, didn't he?

Speaker 2:

We'll go with the leading.

Speaker 3:

Are you off the?

Speaker 1:

end Hovland.

Speaker 4:

It is Lucas Glover Go for it, Liam.

Speaker 5:

you were so obvious then.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, he was. It wasn't because of Ad, it was because of you, liam, liam and Jack, who won the Valspar Championship? Was it Matt Wallace, corey Connors or Taylor Moore?

Speaker 3:

Taylor and Lulsh and Moore.

Speaker 2:

I think it was Corey Connors Jack.

Speaker 5:

Do you know what? I always think it was Corey Connors as well.

Speaker 4:

Are you locking?

Speaker 2:

it in. Yeah, locking it in.

Speaker 4:

It's Taylor Moore.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 5:

Why do you have to say that I was going to say Taylor gave me more.

Speaker 4:

Right, so, eddie and Lulsh, you could win this. Now, who won the Open Champion? Joke? Who won?

Speaker 2:

Let me choose a good one, you've got to give him a shitty one as well.

Speaker 4:

I am going to then. Yeah, I think it was Connors who won the Stony Open in Hawaii. Was it Min Woo Lee, Adam Svensson or Si Woo Kim?

Speaker 1:

I think it was Si Woo Kim. I'm going to go with him. Si Woo Kim.

Speaker 3:

Who were the other two? Min Woo Lee.

Speaker 4:

Min Woo Lee, Adam Svensson or Si Woo Kim.

Speaker 3:

I think I'm going to go with Si Woo Kim.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think Min Woo Lee won on the tour and I haven't heard of Svensson winning.

Speaker 4:

I need to lock it in.

Speaker 5:

I'm going to see Si Woo win.

Speaker 1:

I'm just a bit of a bitch, you know.

Speaker 2:

Half an hour to convert.

Speaker 5:

You played yourself, liam. You could not make that, so you like. I think Josh was right.

Speaker 3:

Give these two numpties a fairly easy one and just see if they get it Not too easy.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

Liam, get your eyes out, though your bead little eyes out the screen, Okay you ready?

Speaker 4:

Who won the RBC heritage? Was it Tony Fienow, Wyndham Clark or Matt Fitzpatrick?

Speaker 5:

RBC heritage.

Speaker 2:

I'll let Josh talk now.

Speaker 1:

Talk, as he was thinking. Jack, you're thinking.

Speaker 5:

Who are the options?

Speaker 4:

Wyndham Clark, Matt Fitzpatrick or Tony Fienow? I know this one who are you.

Speaker 5:

I think so I'm thinking it is Jack.

Speaker 4:

don't cover your mouth.

Speaker 2:

Who is it? He's just repeating the question, matt.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 5:

Who is it? Matt Fitzpatrick.

Speaker 4:

Okay, let's go to the second debate.

Speaker 1:

I knew he would have Jack. What is it it shows, because it won't show up on the viewing.

Speaker 5:

When I was going like that I had one eye open.

Speaker 1:

I was like, I'm going to be the first to see the RBC heritage, I was like I'm going to be the first to see the RBC heritage I think everybody knows I've made.

Speaker 4:

I've been no stranger to the debate. Officially, there are currently no official World Golf Ranking points awarded to the live golfers. That's correct. It's all down to format. My opinion on live golf has changed drastically over the last few months From the discussions we've had, the debates we've had, the points people have made. I think I've come to quite like some of the setup. You can't ask for World Ranking points. The reason they've been denied is fairly simple. There are now 48 players every time they play, the likes of Mikkelsen, westwood, polter, who are not playing good golf. They play each and every time, in every live event. There's no promotion or allegation. It's just the same 48 players asking to be recognised by the World Golf Rankings, which, in my opinion, is wrong.

Speaker 1:

I think we're all right, you've covered everything. Good night.

Speaker 3:

I can't understand how they feel they've got enough grounds to do it. At the end of the day, you're playing three days with no cut. The dynamic of competitive golf is totally different. You're not having to fight for your tour card, which adds a heightened sense of risk. It probably makes you do things you wouldn't expect to end the pressure, the characteristics of the game are totally different. I think it's a long shot really.

Speaker 3:

I did see a tweet from Mikkelsen. I think he's got some validity to his point around the fact that there will be a. The PGA will have their hands all over the World Golf ranking points Because apparently they have borrowed against their broadcast deal. If they lose, if they get World Ranking Points, if Liv gets World Ranking Points, then they are going to drive more TV revenue away from the PGA and they'll come calling for their loan back. So it's going to. I just can't understand. It's totally different. I do like bits of Liv. I can't stand the team element of it. It's a sham no one cares about team golf in that setting. It's just a joke. If they got rid of that, I think I'd enjoy more.

Speaker 1:

I feel about Liv as what Rory McGriffle towards Joe LeCave in that car park. I've arrived the cup on Saturday. I really don't like it. And the thing that I think as well is say, now that Liv was formed, and it was 48 of, let's say, the best 48 college golfers or armatures in the world, but I just turned pro yeah, and they granted World Ranking Points and then, using those World Ranking Points, they got into majors ahead of players who were playing on the PGA Tour, such as players like Bryson, sergio, henrik, phil. I think they would kick off about the fact that at all, that doesn't have any good players on.

Speaker 2:

But it's not. Were Was allowed.

Speaker 1:

But my point being the only reason that is some validity to the fact that Liv golf should have World Ranking Points is because world-class golfers are there. If it wasn't for the world-class golfers yeah, people who were trying to fight for their card, to make money and stuff I don't think those same golfers would have the same view because they'd be taking their places in tournament when they're like, well, we play four-day events, they play three days the same field. Like, I think I'm not saying that you can't disagree with my point. That's just where I'm coming from, that there needs to be an element of consistency in World Ranking them. And people will boil that down to or they just don't want to see the Liv succeed and probably his part. But I think there's more to it than what is Liv.

Speaker 2:

Golf is albeit people who we degree are sort of past it or not good enough, but for the most part they're established PGA tall players. The reason I agree with them losing their case is because they don't follow. You know of all the tours that there are that contribute to earning World Ranking points. They all have the same format for the individual competition and Liv don't are not in accordance with that format. So like it's simply, you know, you can't argue it. I don't know how a case can be brought forward.

Speaker 4:

Four other tours that are no, we're 24 hours surprising.

Speaker 4:

There's not many, but there's obviously with the mini tours and things like that which work in the relegation and promotion aspect of it. But yes, so I think some people are making the point the three day event is not a problem because if you get 1000 ranking points then you can make that 750 ranking points. So you would get the same amount of value, but not same in amount per se because you're not playing golf. But the no cut is an issue and the fact that, if you, if you are and I say this every every time, I talk about him because I love him and I think the more I get to sort of see his personality in the impulsor, the more I like him, more.

Speaker 4:

So Paul is at home and he's saying well, I want ranking points. Of course I want ranking points. So I'm going to ask for ranking points. And it's the case of don't ask, don't get. But he also has the cheek to say I'm going to play in the same multimillion pound event every year, safely, this year, with no risk, and I want world ranking points. You can't.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Three rounds, though like that 750 point logic just doesn't.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Like four rounds. To play four rounds of good golf, yeah, I think it's hugely different to playing three rounds.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, that's the point I was going to make.

Speaker 2:

There's a reason. There's a reason on the PD talk about he's known as as moving day and that that Sunday you always get someone come out of the blue into contention. You know it's so that. That's where it differs for me.

Speaker 1:

I think I think as well. It's like Laura averages the longer you do something, the more the more chance of it going wrong. Do you know what I mean? So I know it's a very small, you don't do an extra round, but you could absolutely capitulate on that last round of the fourth round play meant for three days and then capitulate on the fourth day and fall really far down the field and lose those ranking points and then pull out the fact that we'll hold on. Can we not just take it off the first three days? Yeah, do you know what I mean? But what you me, what you me, trist, liam and Eddie, I'll say is pure speculation. What Jack says goes. So I'm interested to see what you make of old Jack, especially with your view. Coming off the back of that women's game view, I thought it was phenomenal.

Speaker 5:

I've got no opinion.

Speaker 1:

He's raised the hand as well.

Speaker 5:

Just like Eddie don't really like it. Team part of it.

Speaker 2:

You know run the cup, team it up yeah in all times copy what people say and then make the point Throughout the match between me and you. I'd go first and I'd be like, yeah, slightly uphill, why are we going first, and then he'd be doing that and he'd be doing well, seeing, it's not the same thing.

Speaker 1:

Jack, do you know when someone says no, do you know? When someone says can I copy your homework? Yeah, but just don't copy it exactly, you just make it boring.

Speaker 5:

No, no, I'm signing off on this. Okay, bad time now. But yeah, I went first on the first tee and then he went first on the second shot because he was behind me. I went first on the 10th tee. He went first on the second shot On the 10th tee. Yeah, you mean?

Speaker 1:

the ninth, then.

Speaker 5:

No, anyway, yeah, no opinion on it.

Speaker 3:

Jack, how many World Dranking points did you get from the Haitian Cup?

Speaker 1:

Then, mate, because he didn't technically win, he got all the marking points you get for second. I think he got the money though.

Speaker 2:

By the way, he did overtake me.

Speaker 1:

In the Old Romantic.

Speaker 2:

Old Romantic, you know, when I was in Benidorm and then Mexico. So I pretty much took the whole of August off, off yeah. He said I'm going to be well ahead of you now. When we did it and it was about 20 points- Liam, would you say this?

Speaker 5:

It's a sign off, please? No, liam, I filled my car up with fuel If I started in between your eyebrows, went to the top and ran out of fuel.

Speaker 1:

Josh, do you know what you're like? Yeah?

Speaker 4:

I can't laugh about it. Josh, got a question for you just before we actually sign off, Jack, so before that, like and subscribe to this channel the podcast, this playlist, the videos, the social media. Basically, if you're listening, just subscribe and everything you need to do. Josh, how good does it feel to know that when you go to sleep and you close your eyes, you're a legitimate Bull? Big Off Club winner.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely fantastic mate, as I'm sure it does for yourself, liam and Eddie as well, yeah.

Speaker 5:

I'm a gamer, mate.

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